Drive Your Retail Business Growth with Promotion Planning Solutions

In today’s competitive retail landscape, promotions are a critical weapon that can be used to your advantage. They can attract new customers, boost sales of specific products, and ultimately drive business growth. However, planning and executing effective promotions can be a complex challenge. Traditional methods often rely on spreadsheets, manual calculations, and gut instinct, leading to inconsistencies and missed opportunities.

Presenting ETP V5’s revolutionary promotion planning solution designed to empower retailers. ETP V5 goes beyond basic campaign management, providing a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline your promotion planning process, optimise campaign performance, and unlock significant growth for your business.

In short, the ETP V5 Omni-Channel Retail Promotion Planning Solution – ETP Accelerator is developed to help retailers plan, execute, and monitor retail marketing promotions and deploy them quickly across online and offline channels.

The Struggles of Traditional Promotion Planning Software

Retailers often face a multitude of challenges when it comes to planning and executing promotions. Here are some common pain points:

  • Data Disconnect: Promotions are often not aligned with customer data or buying behavior, leading to missed opportunities and wasted resources.
  • Lack of Insights: Manual calculations and limited data analysis make it difficult to measure the true impact of promotions and optimise them for maximum ROI.
  • Campaign Management Headaches: Creating, scheduling, and tracking promotions can be a time-consuming and error-prone process, hindering efficiency.
  • Limited Visibility: Measuring the real effectiveness of promotions on sales and profitability is often challenging, leaving room for guesswork.

ETP V5: Your Pathway to Promotion Planning Success

ETP V5’s promotion planning software empowers you to overcome these roadblocks and achieve strategic promotion planning. Here’s how:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: ETP V5 integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, pulling valuable customer data and sales history. This empowers you to personalise promotions, target the right audience segments, and craft offers that resonate.
  • Effortless Campaign Management & Automation: ETP V5’s retail promotion planning software simplifies campaign creation and execution with automated workflows. Schedule promotions, set budgets, and track performance effortlessly, freeing up your team’s time for strategic planning.
  • Optimise for Maximum Impact: Test different promotion scenarios within ETP V5. Analyse pricing strategies, discount structures, and offer variations to see what resonates best with your customers. Optimise campaigns on-the-fly for maximum impact on sales and profitability.
  • Real-Time Performance & Reporting: Gain real-time insights into campaign performance with interactive dashboards with ETP’s promotion planning solution. Monitor key metrics like sales lift, conversion rates, and customer engagement, allowing you to adjust strategies and maximise ROI.
  • Omnichannel Promotion Power: ETP V5 isn’t siloed. Plan and manage promotions across all your channels (online, in-store, mobile app) for a unified customer experience. Ensure your offers reach your audience seamlessly, no matter where they shop.

Key Features & Proven Benefits of an ETP Promotion Planning Solution:

ETP’s promotion planning software comes packed with features to streamline your promotion planning process, including:

  • Promotion Calendar: Visualise all upcoming promotions in one centralised location.
  • Budget Management Tools: Set and track promotion budgets for effective resource allocation.
  • Reporting Dashboards: Gain real-time insights into campaign performance with customisable dashboards.

The benefits of using ETP’s promotion planning solution are clear:

  • Increased Sales: Data-driven promotions and targeted offers lead to a significant boost in sales.
  • Improved Customer Engagement: Personalised promotions create a more engaging and rewarding customer experience.
  • Better ROI on Marketing Spend: Optimise your marketing budget and maximise the return on your promotional investments.

Success Story: ETP V5’s Promotion Planning Software Helped Transform an American Upscale Clothing Brand & Retailer (Philippines)


The first store was opened in Beverly Hills in 1981. The company was one of the first to create designer jeans for women, while men’s jeans debuted in 1983. A French national and a Filipino-Chinese resident brought it to the Philippines.

Initial Challenges:

  • Data sync between stores and head office
  • Unavailability of real-time inventory/stock information
  • Manual Gift card tracking
  • Manual promotions tracking
  • MS Excel usage for planning

Implementation: ETP V5 Omni-Channel Retail Solutions

Transformation: ETP’s point of sale software ensured near real-time data synchronisation, maintaining accurate inventory tallies between the head office and stores. It featured automatic gift card tracking and provided visibility into stock levels at other stores. The retail POS software also included an automatic promotions engine with intuitive performance tracking, which made it easy to monitor and optimise promotions. Customer registration at the store, whether for regular or loyal customers, was seamless. Additionally, the system is fully integrated with ERP and retail solutions, creating a comprehensive and efficient retail management system.

By leveraging ETP V5 – retail promotion planning software, you can transform your promotion planning strategies. Gain valuable data insights, optimise your campaigns, and unlock significant business growth. Don’t settle for outdated methods.