Fashionably Loyal: Win Customers Over in a Cutthroat Retail World (Part 2)

Welcome back to Part 2 of “Fashionably Loyal”! In Part 1, we explored the transformative shift in the consumer landscape and the importance of customer-centricity in today’s competitive fashion retail environment. Now, let’s delve deeper into the practical strategies that empower retailers to build long-lasting customer relationships and win over hearts (and wallets).

5. Comprehensive Customer Understanding

The foundation of a customer-centric approach is a deep understanding of your target audience. This knowledge empowers you to anticipate their needs, personalize their experiences, and ultimately, exceed their expectations.

Here are several effective methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers:

  • Data Collection: Leverage technology to collect customer data throughout their shopping journey. This includes purchase history, browsing behaviour, demographics, and preferences.
  • Surveys: Conduct regular customer surveys to gather valuable insights into their needs, desires, and pain points.
  • Customer Journey Mapping: Visualize the complete customer journey, from initial brand awareness to post-purchase engagement. Identify potential friction points and opportunities for improvement.
  • Data Analytics: Utilize advanced data analytics tools to extract meaningful insights from customer data. Identify trends, customer segments, and personalize marketing campaigns for maximum impact.

By continuously collecting and analysing customer data, fashion retailers can move beyond guesswork and create experiences that resonate deeply with their target audience. ETP Group’s Unified Commerce Solutions provide a centralized platform for customer data, facilitating a 360-degree view of your customers and enabling data-driven decision making.

6. Personalization at Scale

In today’s crowded marketplace, generic marketing messages fall flat. Consumers crave personalized experiences that cater to their individual preferences. Here are ways to leverage data and technology to personalize the customer journey:

  • Data Utilization: Use customer data to segment your audience and create targeted marketing campaigns, product recommendations, and loyalty programs.
  • Content Personalization: Personalize website content, email marketing campaigns, and social media posts based on individual customer profiles.
  • Communication Customization: Tailor communication style and tone based on customer preferences. For example, some customers might prefer concise emails, while others might appreciate detailed product descriptions.

Personalization at scale goes beyond simply addressing customers by name. It’s about understanding their unique needs and anticipating their next move. This level of personalization fosters loyalty and creates a sense of connection with the brand.

7. Seamless Omnichannel Experiences

Today’s fashion shoppers expect a seamless and consistent shopping experience across all touchpoints, whether browsing online, visiting a physical store, or engaging on social media. Here’s how to create a unified omnichannel experience:

  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand image, messaging, and product information across all channels.
  • Integration: Integrate online and offline systems to ensure real-time inventory visibility, order tracking, and customer purchase history across all platforms. ETP Group’s Omni-channel Retail Solutions excel at this integration, providing a unified customer experience that eliminates data silos.
  • Accessibility: Optimize website and mobile app for all devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) to ensure a smooth user experience across all platforms.

By providing a seamless omnichannel experience, retailers demonstrate respect for customer time and convenience, while fostering a sense of brand coherence and trust.

8. Proactive Customer Support

Proactive customer support goes beyond simply reacting to issues. It’s about anticipating customer needs and offering solutions before problems arise. This approach fosters trust and builds stronger customer relationships.

Here’s how to implement proactive customer support:

  • Predictive Analytics: Utilize data analytics to identify potential customer issues before they occur. For example, if a customer abandons their shopping cart, send a gentle reminder with a discount offer.
  • Proactive Communication: Anticipate customer questions and provide clear, concise information on your website, FAQs, and social media channels.
  • Live Chat Support: Offer real-time chat support to answer customer questions and address concerns promptly.

By prioritizing proactive customer support, fashion retailers demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction and build lasting relationships built on trust and positive interactions.

9. Continuous Feedback Loop

Customer feedback is invaluable for continuous improvement and optimizing the customer experience. Here are ways to gather valuable customer insights:

  • Regular Surveys: Conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys to gauge satisfaction with various aspects of the shopping experience.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Monitor customer sentiment on social media platforms and address any negative feedback promptly.
  • Customer Advisory Panels: Create a customer advisory panel to gather feedback and insights from a dedicated group of loyal customers.

10. The Power of Putting Customers First

In today’s hyper-connected world, the path to success in fashion retail is paved with customer-centricity. It’s not just a strategy; it’s a philosophy that permeates every facet of your organization. Understanding, personalizing, and delighting your customers is paramount, as it directly impacts your bottom line, long-term growth, and brand reputation.

Continuously invest in understanding your customers better. Embrace personalization at scale, and be present across all channels where your customers engage. Empower your frontline staff to make a difference by anticipating customer needs and fostering a company culture that values and actively utilizes customer feedback.

Remember, the key to building loyalty and retention lies in placing your customers at the very centre of your business model. They are not simply your customer base; they are the heart and soul that drives your success. By prioritizing their needs and exceeding their expectations, you cultivate a loyal following that becomes the lifeblood of your thriving fashion retail brand.

Incorporating ETP Group Solutions:

ETP Group’s suite of Unified Commerce and Omni-channel Retail Solutions empowers fashion retailers to put their customers first in every interaction. From collecting and analysing customer data to facilitating seamless omnichannel experiences, ETP’s solutions become the backbone of a customer-centric strategy. By leveraging ETP’s technology, fashion retailers can ensure a frictionless purchase journey, personalized recommendations, and proactive customer support, ultimately fostering loyalty and building a thriving business that thrives on customer satisfaction.

Also read: Fashionably Loyal: Win Customers Over in a Cutthroat Retail World – ETP

How Retail Software Can Improve the Customer Experience? 

The retail industry is constantly changing, and to stay competitive, stores need to keep up with what customers want. With the rise of online shopping, people have become more used to shopping in a way that is convenient and tailored to their needs. So, retailers are turning to retail software to help them meet these expectations and improve the shopping experience for customers.

What is Retail Software?

Retail software is a type of business management software that is made for running a store. It has several applications and tools that help retailers manage their business processes, such as inventory management, point of sale (POS), customer relationship management (CRM), and e-commerce.

How Can Retail Software Improve Customer Experience?


One of the best things about retail software is that it lets stores make their customers’ shopping experiences more enjoyable. Retailers can make targeted marketing campaigns and personalize promotions and offers by looking at customer data and how they shop. This can make customers feel more substantial and more loyal to the brand. For example, a store might use information about a customer’s past purchases to suggest products the customer is likely to be interested in.

Speed and Convenience

Retail software can also help stores make shopping for customers faster and more convenient. For example, a POS system can help stores reduce the time it takes to check out, making shopping more enjoyable for customers. E-commerce platforms can also make it easy for customers to shop from anywhere and anytime without going to a store.

Inventory Management

Retail software can also help stores better keep track of their stock. By tracking and analyzing their stock in real-time, retailers can ensure they always have the products their customers want. This can make shopping better for customers and help stores avoid running out of stock or having too much of it. For example, a store might use software to look at sales data and predict future demand, ensuring they have the right stock.

Omni Channel Retailing

Retail software can also help stores do shopping across multiple channels as smoothly as possible. With e-commerce and mobile shopping becoming more popular, retailers need to be able to offer the same shopping experience across all channels. This can be done with the help of retail software, which gives a single view of inventory and customer data across all channels. For example, a customer might start shopping on a store’s website, add items to their cart, and finish their in-store purchase.

Data Analysis

Retail software can also be used to look at customer data to learn more about how customers act and what they like. Retailers can learn more about their customers and make their products fit them better by looking at past purchases, browsing habits, and social media activity. For example, a store might use software to determine which products are most popular with their customers and then change their stock to match.

Retail software can improve the customer experience in several ways, including personalization, speed and convenience, inventory management, omnichannel retailing, and data analysis. Retailers who buy and use retail software well are more likely to meet their customers’ needs and build long-term relationships with them. As the retail industry changes, the stores that embrace technology and use it to their advantage will do their best.

Transforming Retail Experiences with Omni Channel Retail Solutions

Retail is rapidly evolving, and customers are seeking seamless and personalized shopping experiences across multiple channels. In response to this shift, retailers are adopting omni channel retail solutions to meet customer expectations and stay competitive. Omni channel retail solutions integrate online and offline channels, providing a unified and consistent shopping experience. This blog post explores the benefits and impact of omni channel retail solutions on transforming retail experiences.

Seamless Customer Journey:

Omni channel retail solutions enable retailers to offer a seamless customer journey across various touchpoints. Customers can browse products online, make purchases through mobile apps, visit physical stores, or even utilize social media platforms for shopping. The integration of these channels ensures that customers can transition between different touchpoints effortlessly. For example, customers can start shopping online and complete in-store purchases or vice versa. This seamless experience enhances convenience and satisfaction, increasing customer loyalty and engagement.

Personalization and Customer Insights:

Omni channel retail solutions allow retailers to gather customer data from multiple channels, providing valuable insights for personalization. By analyzing customer behaviour, preferences, and purchase history, retailers can deliver targeted marketing messages, personalized recommendations, and customized promotions. This level of personalization creates a more tailored and engaging shopping experience for customers, increasing the likelihood of conversions and repeat business.

Inventory Visibility and Fulfillment:

One of the key advantages of omni channel retail solutions is the ability to provide real-time inventory visibility across channels. Customers can easily check product availability online and in-store, reducing the chances of disappointment due to out-of-stock items. Retailers can optimize inventory management and fulfilment processes, ensuring efficient order processing and delivery. For instance, customers can buy online and pick up their purchases in-store, providing a flexible and convenient option for shoppers.

Improved Customer Service:

Omni channel retail solutions enhance customer service by enabling seamless communication between customers and retailers. Customers can reach out for support through various channels like live chat, social media, or in-person assistance at physical stores. Retailers can respond promptly and provide consistent support of the channel the customer uses. This level of responsiveness and accessibility strengthens customer relationships and fosters trust in the brand.

Enhanced Brand Experience:

By embracing omni channel retail solutions, retailers can create a cohesive brand experience across all channels. Consistent branding, messaging, and visual identity create a unified perception of the brand in customers’ minds. Whether they interact with the brand through a website, social media, or a physical store, customers should have a consistent and recognizable experience. This consistency strengthens brand loyalty and helps retailers differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

Data-Driven Decision-Making:

Omni channel retail solutions provide retailers with valuable data and analytics that can drive strategic decision-making. By analyzing customer data, retailers can gain insights into customer preferences, market trends, and the performance of different channels. This data-driven approach allows retailers to make informed decisions regarding inventory management, marketing campaigns, pricing strategies, and channel optimization. Retailers can continually refine their operations and improve the overall customer experience based on data-driven insights.


Omni channel retail solutions have revolutionized the retail industry by providing a seamless, personalized, and consistent shopping experience across multiple channels. By integrating online and offline touchpoints, retailers can enhance customer satisfaction, build loyalty, and drive business growth. The benefits of omni channel retail solutions, such as seamless customer journeys, personalization, inventory visibility, improved customer service, enhanced brand experiences, and data-driven decision-making, are transforming how retailers engage with customers. Embracing omni channel retail solutions is essential for retailers to stay competitive in the evolving retail landscape.

To explore the range of omni channel retail solutions and learn how they can alter your business, visit ETP Group.

Unlocking Success: The Crucial Role of Omni-Channel Retailing for Multi-Store Retailers

Consumer expectations have undergone a significant shift, with a focus on convenience, connected shopping experiences, and personalization. Discover how to leverage your stores to elevate and distinguish your customer experience.

Omni-channel retailers now regard their stores as crucial assets worthy of investment. Last year, offline sales outpaced e-commerce for the first time, with physical stores growing at 18.5 percent compared to e-commerce’s 14 percent growth. While e-commerce is projected to surpass physical stores in future growth, the spotlight remains on stores. For most omni-channel retailers, this e-commerce growth implies increased investments in physical retail. Stores play a pivotal role in creating and satisfying customer demand, even if transactions eventually occur online.

Stores enhance brands by providing a tactile, human-centric experience that is impossible to replicate online. Store staff build trusted relationships with customers through advice, service, support and sales. They are often better at acquiring customers and stimulating repeat purchases than digital channels..

Furthermore, stores support e-commerce by positioning inventory near customers—the source of demand. Practices like click and collect, ship from store, and in-store returns have become standard for fulfilling online orders. Without a store, many online orders would not happen, and would be unprofitable. Thus, store-based retail is not going away, in-fact quite the opposite – its importance in the human interaction and social sharing aspect of retail is only becoming more sacred.

For multi-store retailers, the concept of stores is evolving from mere storage to spaces of exploration. The quality of this exploration is now more critical than ever. However, many retailers struggle to meet customers’ omni-channel demands and lack the infrastructure for modern shopping journeys expected by digitally-savvy post-pandemic consumers. They rely on disjointed, siloed backend systems that are cumbersome, inefficient, and costly to integrate. While they’d implemented quick fixes during the pandemic, they now require a comprehensive, long-term solution for unified data across all channels. The pressure is mounting on them to implement change rapidly and create the new “phygital” customer experiences demanded by the business.

So, what are the new capabilities retailers need to modernize their customer experience for digital-first retailing?

  1. Stores that Amplify the Digital Experience: The rise of live online customer experiences extends beyond social media and chat assistants to virtual shopping appointments. Retailers leverage store staff expertise to boost digital sales and service by providing in-store teams tools to connect with shoppers digitally. Unified commerce solutions automate the end-to-end process, from customer communications to seamless sales transactions and quick deliveries.
  2. Digital Convenience in Stores: The POS used to be the epicentre of the store technology experience. But today, consumers expect unlimited access to information and functionality to inform their purchasing decisions, and demand digital convenience inside the store. Retailers empower customers by integrating digital services, enabling loyalty point lookup, exploring product information, and creating digital wishlists in stores. Digital screens for instant browsing and shopping provide ‘endless aisle’ capabilities for browsing and ordering from the entire inventory.
  3. Self-checkout evolution into Self-service: Retailers modernize the checkout experience for customer convenience. They’re putting customers in control with fast and flexible self-guided assistance, mobile point of sale, and contactless payments anywhere in-store, out in the warehouse, or at trade shows and pop-up stores. Self-serve kiosks are practical for larger stores; grocery and convenience store retailers are taking advantage of new self-service software for touchscreen terminals, creating fast and memorable experiences.
  4. Endless Aisle for Seamless Ordering: Consumers choose retailers based on the ease and flexibility of the end-to-end experience. Retailers focus on the entire customer journey, implementing a ‘buy anywhere, fulfill anywhere’ strategy and a central unified commerce platform. This provides real-time visibility of inventory, orders, and customer data across the business. That means customers can shop for products of their choice, whenever they feel like it, using their most convenient channel. Endless aisle access to inventory lets customers order any product and get it delivered to any address.
  5. Flexible Omni-channel Fulfilment: With ecommerce sales returning to pre-pandemic growth levels, services such as ship-from-store, click-and-collect, endless aisle and returns anywhere are all just table stakes today. Retailers are prioritising capabilities that help them to launch and scale omni-channel experiences faster by improving store fulfilment efficiency and enhancing the store pick-up experience. They create hybrid stores supporting online sales while meeting customers’ expectations for fast pick-up and delivery. Ship-from-store capabilities not only enable ecommerce orders to be shipped from stores, but stores can also ship orders placed in other stores. And with a unified view of inventory across all stores and DCs they can quickly see where inventory is located, and choose the fastest route to fulfil orders.
  6. Unified Channels Enhance Personalization: As buying journeys start online and store visits become more planned, customer expectations for a seamless ‘one brand’ experience rise. However, many retailers have channel silos – which means any interaction or activity that the customer had with them online is not available to the customer or staff within the store. Retailers deliver personalized experiences using AI and intelligence across online and offline channels, delivering timely and relevant communications, recommendations, offers, and rewards. This extends into other communications such as e-receipts and shipping notifications.
  7. Unified Employee Experiences: A great customer experience depends on a great employee experience. Retailers invest in employee efficiency and enablement, equipping in-store teams with relevant customer intelligence like loyalty points, wishlists, and sales histories – to equip them to add more value to their customer interactions. AI technology offers personalized upselling recommendations during click-and-collect pickups. Localized pricing ensures up-to-date, competitive pricing, empowering teams to make informed, on-the-spot decisions.

In conclusion, there’s a colossal shift taking place right now in how multi-store retailers plan, build and deliver their in-store customer experience. The prime driver behind this upheaval is the boom in ecommerce that is creating new online shopping habits and reshaping consumers’ expectations of in-store experiences. The synergy between the online and offline embodiment of a brand, understanding the customer’s path to purchase and shopping history have all become fundamental to creating lifetime customer value.

ETP Group has a proven and reference-able track-record of success supporting multi-store retailers at the forefront of omni-channel innovation, with a robust product capability and experience, and the right people and processes to move fast.

Top 5 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Omni-Channel Retail

Top 5 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Omni-Channel Retail


The concept of omnichannel retailing has now taken over a majority of the retail industry, with retailers focussing on providing a consistent, coordinated omnichannel customer experience across all customer channels using consistent and universal data.

So, what is omnichannel retail?

Omnichannel retail involves a dramatic shift from the multichannel retail approach. This retail strategy refers to a business model wherein all existing channels are integrated to offer customers a seamless and omnichannel shopping experience. The strategy is empowered by centralised data management, which blurs the lines between online and physical channels.

Customers can seamlessly use different channels in their shopping processes and are given a unique opportunity to create their preferable shopping routines. The omnichannel retail approach is adopted simultaneously in inventory management, sales channel, and marketing strategy.

This article aims to help retailers understand the need of investing in omnichannel retail: 

1.Offering A Wonderful Customer Experience

Omnichannel retailing results in an omnichannel customer experience that seamlessly integrates online and offline channels. A retailer’s ultimate goal should not be to generate sales in a specific channel but to allow purchases to occur naturally and conveniently in the channel chosen by their customers.

By integrating online and offline channels, customers can shop from anywhere and experience an optimized retail experience. Be it shopping in brick and mortar stores or via using apps or company websites, customers can interact on all channels, efficiently manage their loyalty points and rewards, and invest in quick transactions. This type of interaction at all levels helps in improving customer relationships and pushes them to interact on a deeper level with retail brands.

2.Improving Sales

With an omnichannel retailing set-up, shoppers can shop from whichever channel they like, physical stores or online channels. With inventory management integration in the retail strategy, retailers receive stock visibility across all channels and gain accessibility into the customer’s favorite channel. This retail strategy also integrates multiple sales channels, and shoppers can pick the most convenient one, thereby leading to an increase in sales.

3.Increased Customer Retention Rates

Shoppers aim to buy products in a way that is most convenient to them. An omnichannel retail strategy is the best way of offering your customers various sales channels and letting them pick one that best suits them. Further, omnichannel retail incorporates multiple payment gateways that ease transaction processes. This leads to optimized checkout rates and quick and secure checkouts, resulting in increased customer retention.

4.Improved Data Collection

With an intelligent omnichannel retail solution, retailers can store all customer data centrally located on cloud databases. The valuable data may include essential customer information like contact details, purchase histories, etc. Retailers can take advantage of this data for creating personalized shopping experiences for customers. They can monitor customers across all channels, understand them better, know their preferences, and create targeted marketing campaigns and customized promotions for every client that makes them feel special.

5.Enhanced Productivity

The omnichannel retail experience offers a 360-degree view of all the customer purchases that helps to serve them better in the future. The integration of loyalty management programs further increases productivity.

Customers can pick, review information, offer feedback, purchase, promote, and like products from anywhere that increasing overall productivity and efficiency.

ETP’s omnichannel retail software offers an amazing omnichannel retailing experience

An intelligent omnichannel retail software integrates all crucial retail operations such as the point-of-sale, inventory management, customer relationship management, etc. by providing a single point solution for all retail processes irrespective of the channel. It perfectly integrates the backend operations with the demand and supply channels, offering physical and digital retail personalization to the customers which improves their overall experience and visibility of the brand.


Four Pillars of Retail Customer Experience

In this day and age of omni-channel, retail is all about the customer. What the customer needs and demands, how do they research and shop, which channels do they use to interact, what is their opinion about brands and products, what are their interests and preferences, which demographic segment do they belong to, what influences their purchasing, and so on – these are the questions retailers need to seek answers to, so that they are able to understand and serve their customers better. Additionally, since consumer behavior is dynamic and so is the retail business, the same answers may not hold true every time. Thus there is a need for the retail companies to put in constant efforts so as to be able to keep pace with their consumers’ changing demands.

In order to be able to service their customers to the best of their abilities, retail brands must have a holistic approach in strategizing, conceptualizing, creating and offering experiences that can impress their customers. As such, the shopping experiences must be positive and enriching. There are 4 essential pillars of retail customer experience – personal, mobile, seamless and secure, that retailers need to focus on for optimal results.

Below is an infographic that illuminates the importance of these 4 pillars with some industry statistics that retailers need to pay attention to.

Retail Customer Experience

Applications of AI in Retail

Application of AI driven process in retail will not only help retailers acquire new customers, but also boost repeat business. Increased accuracy in personalized communication to the customers along with tailored recommendations and offers will compel shoppers to strengthen their loyalty as they will begin to associate the retail brand with personalized, relevant experiences. Having realized this, retailers are looking to invest and use AI heavily in this coming year

According to a research, global spending on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in retail is expected to grow nearly fourfold over the next four years, from $2 billion in 2018 to more than $7 billion in 2022. This is expected to happen as retailers look at new avenues to boost their efforts to offer personalized customer experiences. As such, retailers will heavily invest in AI tools that will allow them to differentiate and improve the services they offer to their customers. These tools, ranging from automated marketing platforms that generate tailored and timely offers, to chat-bots or voice assistants that help to provide instant customer service, will be in the radar of retail brands.

Progress in AI and machine learning in the recent years gone by and those to come will be exponential. The combination of AI, cloud, Big Data have already begun the transformation of the retail industry and this will reach new levels in the near future. As AI leverages big data to personalize experiences, retail companies are looking at these applications to garner robust competitive advantages. As per the report, retailers’ spend will be the strongest in the customer service and sentiment analytics area to understand customers’ reactions to the products purchased and the service received, all being possible with the application of AI in analytics. This will prove to be the breakthrough for retailers looking to improve their customer experience.

etp blog applications-of-ai-in-retail

AI will also be able to help in actually predicting the purchasing behaviour as well as the needs of in-store customers. This means that sales staff can have this kind of information handy and will therefore have an idea of what a customer is looking to buy before they even ask for help. This will be a huge step in predicting the customers’ needs in advance and being able to serve them aptly thus revolutionizing customer service at the store.

AI driven insights would also be leveraged to not only design new product ranges but also to plan and create marketing and promotional campaigns and offers. Optimizing product pricing and discounting with the help of AI will prove to be beneficial to retailers. Further AI-backed demand forecasting is also increasingly becoming an essential tool for retailers. Understanding customer demand and accurately planning and managing inventory has become critical, especially during mega shopping events such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Singles Day and Chinese New Year. Demand forecasting with the help of AI will definitely empower retailers to be prepared for such big events in advance.

Mentioned above are some of the applications of Artificial Intelligence in the retail business and as time progresses, these applications may get further enhanced and there may be new ones that retailers may want to use and fuse into their businesses to further enhance their customer experience across channels.

What’s on retailers’ minds for 2018?


At the NRF Big Show 2018, retail executives and leaders share the areas they are going to focus on this year. Here are a few things they are working on:

1) Retailers will continue to strive for providing more personalized digital experiences.

When asked for views, executives from Macy’s, Neiman Marcus Group and The Children’s Place clearly stated that personalization would be a big focus for them in 2018. Macy’s is continuing to focus on personalization according to an executive, “The whole concept of personalization is simply on steroids right now. It’s all about the consumer in that one moment in time. We’re doing anything we can do to connect directly with consumers and make shopping convenient for them.”

Retailers have worked on improving personalization for many years but it all boils down to customer experience. As such, providing great customer experiences in 2018 will be the result of blending technology with a more personalized touch.

2) Connecting online and offline store experiences will remain a major focus.

Leading retailers such as Macy’s and The Children’s Place are still fervent on ‘omni-channel retail’. Macy’s is continuing to see serious growth in the area of “buy online, pick up in store” (BOPIS). Macy’s executive stated that “physical stores are not going away. Customers will always want the option of coming into the store to try on jeans instead of buying three different sizes online.”

The Children’s Place is also striving towards making it big in digital and using a lot of the omni-channel use cases like BOPIS and ‘Save the Sale’. ‘Save the Sale’ needs store associates to be able to access real-time inventory across the store network. This enables the store associates to address the situation of stock-out and lost sales by helping customers to find their desired item online or at another store location with ease.

3) More retailers will look to leverage voice assistants.

Global Chief eCommerce Officer at Samsonite feels that voice assistants will start taking off in certain categories like consumables. However, categories like fashion may have a harder time to leverage voice. having been one of the first retailers to launch an Alexa skill, the CEO & President believes that bots and AI capabilities will enable to amplify its personalized experience. He envisions the possibilities, “With voice as the main interface emerging, I think it will bring us back to the retail experience of our first flower shop where we delivered a true 1-to-1 relationship. Voice enables us to have a 1-to-1 relationship with customers on a massive scale.”

4) As artificial intelligence (AI) matures, AI-powered retail applications are gaining adoption.

According to the Global Chief eCommerce Officer at Samsonite, 2018 will be the year that artificial intelligence will have its breakthrough moment. Retailers will start using it to power various parts of the retail and eCommerce experience. uses AI to power conversational interfaces like Alexa, Google Assistant and Facebook Messenger, many of which need no human touch at all.

Using AI and its applications in various aspects of retail, retailers are looking to boost their businesses and enhance customer experiences.

5) Personalization, social media and Amazon Marketing Services will be used as acquisition marketing strategies.

The Children’s Place highlighted the importance of personalized marketing strategies. Its personalization strategy began in 2017 when the company hired a data scientist to clean up the customer database. Now that The Children’s Place can connect customer purchases online and in-store, the executive believes that it will aid in making acquisition, engagement and retention strategies more personal,.

Social media also seems to be one of the top marketing priorities for the CEO of Petco. On the flip side, Global Chief eCommerce Officer at Samsonite believes, “Amazon Marketing is going to become as critical to a brand’s marketing strategy as Google and Facebook. Today, Amazon has the return on investment potential of Google Paid Search in 2005 and display ads in 2002.”

3 Important Factors to take Retail Personalisation to the Next Level


For starters, more than half (52%) of consumers are likely to switch brands if they don’t receive personalized their communications. Moreover, fifty-eight percent of consumers say a personalized experience is essential when purchasing from a particular company. Those are numbers retailers can’t and must not ignore!

If retail brands are vying to thrive and prosper in this forthcoming New Year, ‘customer focus’ is crucial. As a majority of brands will go customer-centric, one of the aspects that will stand-out as the differentiating factor will be the level of personalisation that they provide. Here are few important factors that will help retailer to take their retail personalisation to the next level.

Data centricity
Before diving right into personalisation, the first step is to understand the customer and then plan as to how to go about the personalizing his/her experience. For that it is important to collect data and as far as possible, the right data. And the easiest way to do that is through loyalty programs and for which brands can encourage customers to register at the point-of-sale (POS) with an in-built CRM system. The end goal of personalisation in retail is to create high-value customers who will stick to the brand and carry out repeat purchases.

Omni-channel strategy
While an omni-channel experience isn’t a necessarily a personalized experience, it is a mandatory building block on the path towards creating a personalized customer experience. After all, a personalized experience cannot be offered if customers are treated differently if they use different channels for interacting with the brand. The very essence of omni-channel is creating a seamless and consistent experience for your customers across different devices both online and offline. They key to omni-channel is providing a consistent and personalized experience to every customer regardless of where they’re interact with the retail business.

Retail brands need to harness the power of technology, necessarily, as an enabler for optimizing their operations and processes to achieve a superior customer experience. It is with the help of technology that retail businesses can be equipped to capture and assimilate data for basing their personalisation strategy. Also, it is through technology that retailers will be able to implement omni-channel into their business. The right omni-channel retail solutions which encompass multiple modules including a retail POS software with an integrated CRM solution, as well as an omni-channel analytics solution, and many more can help retailers integrate, consolidate their business data and processes and implement the necessary strategies to offer a personalized customer experience across all channels.

Personalisation needs to go beyond than just marketing and sales – it has to truly be at the core of the business, influencing and driving every aspect of it. With the right combination of plans, processes and technology, retail brands must be ready to push their boundaries and innovate and grab every opportunity that comes their way to enable their businesses to take retail personalisation experience to the next level.

Putting AI in Retail


The human brain is more than just an organ – it is a complex system that helps humans to analyze information and take simplified decisions in various situations. But it cannot always gauge all the possible outcomes of a decision and hence our decision-making ability gets limited in certain circumstances. But what we cannot achieve with the powerof our brain is today being achieved by applying Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is much more than neural networks and complex algorithms; it involves enabling machines to take appropriate decisions in all possible circumstances.

With the huge amount of data being transmitted from electronic devices every day, it becomes imperative for the data-driven organizations to collect and identify a pattern in them. But, what exactly could be the advantage of collecting and analyzing data? Well, to predict the future it is necessary to understand the past and the present.

One of the biggest beneficiaries of Artificial Intelligence is physical retail. It is facing immense competition from e-Commerce portals, which not only provide user-friendly shopping experiences but also come up with relevant suggestions for future purchases. The need of the hour for physical retailers, therefore, is to revamp their business processes and come up with innovative measures to provide a more than satisfying customer experience along with an efficient stock management strategy. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help achieve both. Here is a brief overview of how AI can help drive transformation in physical retail.

  1. Collecting relevant data: Data collection forms the backbone of AI. According to some of the industry stalwarts, “there can be no direct leap to artificial intelligence if substantial and relevant data is not being collected”. Most of the physical retailers lack the indigenous technology to collect and process large chunks of data by themselves. But that should not be considered as a hindrance to AI as there are efficient retail solutions like ETP V5 that can help them collect and process relevant and authentic data.
  2. Personalization: AI can be thought of as a complex algorithm that consists of all possible ‘if-then’ conditions. These conditions can be identified in various ways such as shopping cart analysis, payment preferences and surveys among others. The analysis performed can be used for managing product assortment, customer-specific promotions, and other loyalty programs. Personalization will ensure repeat footfall, which in turn will ensure a healthy bottom line.
  3. Supply chain and inventory management: If a retailer is able to collect relevant data, it becomes easier to maintain a healthy supply chain along with an efficient inventory management system. If the retailer wishes to sell the right product to the right customer at the right time and place, managing inventory across all channels becomes most important. This is indeed a mammoth task that can be eased out using an efficient Omni-channel Retail Solution like ETP V5 which can identify hidden patterns in the customer’s buying behavior and provide relevant suggestions to maintain the right inventory. Maintaining and managing supply chain and inventory are the backbone of a profitable retail venture.

AI has started revolutionizing the way in which physical retailers go about taking business decisions and with the enhancement of customer’s technical abilities, it can be safely claimed that AI will play an important role in the future of retail.