Leverage the Power of Omni Channel Retail Software: Strategies for Seamless Customer Experiences

In today’s highly competitive retail landscape, delivering seamless customer experiences across multiple channels is crucial for business success. With the rise of technology, omni channel retail software has become an invaluable tool for retailers. This powerful software enables businesses to integrate their various sales channels into a unified platform, such as online stores, physical stores, and mobile apps. In this blog, let’s look at the strategies to leverage the power of omni channel retail software and enhance customer experiences.

Understand Your Customers’ Journey:

To provide seamless experiences, it is vital to understand your customers’ journey across different channels. Omni channel retail software allows you to gather and analyze data from various touchpoints, providing valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviour. Comprehending how customers interact with your brand allows you to personalize their experiences and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

Integrate Inventory Management:

One of the key advantages of omni channel retail software is the ability to synchronize inventory across all channels. This integration ensures accurate stock levels, preventing a customer from placing an order only to find out that the item is out of stock. With real-time inventory visibility, you can offer customers the possibility to buy online and pick up in-store or vice versa, improving convenience and reducing the chances of lost sales.

Provide Consistent Product Information:

Consistency in product information is essential for building trust and providing exceptional customer experiences. With omni channel retail software, you can maintain a centralized product catalogue, ensuring that all channels display accurate and up-to-date information. Whether a customer is browsing your website, or mobile app, or visiting a physical store, they should have access to consistent details about your products, such as descriptions, pricing, and availability.

Enable Cross-Channel Communication:

Omni channel retail software enables seamless communication between different channels, allowing customers to switch between them without disruption. For instance, a customer can start an interaction on your website and continue it through a live chat on your mobile app. This cross-channel communication ensures that customers receive consistent and timely support, enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

Personalize Customer Experiences:

Personalization is a powerful tool for creating memorable customer experiences. Omni channel retail software can track customer preferences and purchase history, enabling you to offer personalized recommendations and promotions. By leveraging this data, you can tailor marketing campaigns to specific customer segments and deliver relevant content across all channels. Personalization enhances the customer experience, increases customer loyalty, and drives sales.

Implement a Unified Loyalty Program:

An effective loyalty program can significantly impact customer retention and engagement. With omni channel retail software, you can implement a unified loyalty program that rewards customers regardless of the channel they choose to shop from. This integration allows customers to earn and redeem points seamlessly, encouraging repeat purchases and fostering brand loyalty.

Embrace Mobile Technology:

Mobile devices have become an essential part of customers’ shopping journeys. Omni channel retail software provides mobile-friendly features such as mobile apps, mobile-responsive websites, and mobile payment options. By embracing mobile technology, you can engage customers on their preferred devices, offering a convenient and streamlined shopping experience.


In today’s omni channel retail landscape, leveraging the power of omni channel retail software is vital for delivering seamless customer experiences. By understanding your customers’ journey, integrating inventory management, providing consistent product information, enabling cross-channel communication, personalizing customer experiences, implementing a unified loyalty program, and embracing mobile technology, you can create a cohesive and exceptional shopping experience that drives customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business growth.

Embrace the power of ETP omni channel retail software and stay ahead in the competitive retail industry.

Unlocking Success: The Crucial Role of Omni-Channel Retailing for Multi-Store Retailers

Consumer expectations have undergone a significant shift, with a focus on convenience, connected shopping experiences, and personalization. Discover how to leverage your stores to elevate and distinguish your customer experience.

Omni-channel retailers now regard their stores as crucial assets worthy of investment. Last year, offline sales outpaced e-commerce for the first time, with physical stores growing at 18.5 percent compared to e-commerce’s 14 percent growth. While e-commerce is projected to surpass physical stores in future growth, the spotlight remains on stores. For most omni-channel retailers, this e-commerce growth implies increased investments in physical retail. Stores play a pivotal role in creating and satisfying customer demand, even if transactions eventually occur online.

Stores enhance brands by providing a tactile, human-centric experience that is impossible to replicate online. Store staff build trusted relationships with customers through advice, service, support and sales. They are often better at acquiring customers and stimulating repeat purchases than digital channels..

Furthermore, stores support e-commerce by positioning inventory near customers—the source of demand. Practices like click and collect, ship from store, and in-store returns have become standard for fulfilling online orders. Without a store, many online orders would not happen, and would be unprofitable. Thus, store-based retail is not going away, in-fact quite the opposite – its importance in the human interaction and social sharing aspect of retail is only becoming more sacred.

For multi-store retailers, the concept of stores is evolving from mere storage to spaces of exploration. The quality of this exploration is now more critical than ever. However, many retailers struggle to meet customers’ omni-channel demands and lack the infrastructure for modern shopping journeys expected by digitally-savvy post-pandemic consumers. They rely on disjointed, siloed backend systems that are cumbersome, inefficient, and costly to integrate. While they’d implemented quick fixes during the pandemic, they now require a comprehensive, long-term solution for unified data across all channels. The pressure is mounting on them to implement change rapidly and create the new “phygital” customer experiences demanded by the business.

So, what are the new capabilities retailers need to modernize their customer experience for digital-first retailing?

  1. Stores that Amplify the Digital Experience: The rise of live online customer experiences extends beyond social media and chat assistants to virtual shopping appointments. Retailers leverage store staff expertise to boost digital sales and service by providing in-store teams tools to connect with shoppers digitally. Unified commerce solutions automate the end-to-end process, from customer communications to seamless sales transactions and quick deliveries.
  2. Digital Convenience in Stores: The POS used to be the epicentre of the store technology experience. But today, consumers expect unlimited access to information and functionality to inform their purchasing decisions, and demand digital convenience inside the store. Retailers empower customers by integrating digital services, enabling loyalty point lookup, exploring product information, and creating digital wishlists in stores. Digital screens for instant browsing and shopping provide ‘endless aisle’ capabilities for browsing and ordering from the entire inventory.
  3. Self-checkout evolution into Self-service: Retailers modernize the checkout experience for customer convenience. They’re putting customers in control with fast and flexible self-guided assistance, mobile point of sale, and contactless payments anywhere in-store, out in the warehouse, or at trade shows and pop-up stores. Self-serve kiosks are practical for larger stores; grocery and convenience store retailers are taking advantage of new self-service software for touchscreen terminals, creating fast and memorable experiences.
  4. Endless Aisle for Seamless Ordering: Consumers choose retailers based on the ease and flexibility of the end-to-end experience. Retailers focus on the entire customer journey, implementing a ‘buy anywhere, fulfill anywhere’ strategy and a central unified commerce platform. This provides real-time visibility of inventory, orders, and customer data across the business. That means customers can shop for products of their choice, whenever they feel like it, using their most convenient channel. Endless aisle access to inventory lets customers order any product and get it delivered to any address.
  5. Flexible Omni-channel Fulfilment: With ecommerce sales returning to pre-pandemic growth levels, services such as ship-from-store, click-and-collect, endless aisle and returns anywhere are all just table stakes today. Retailers are prioritising capabilities that help them to launch and scale omni-channel experiences faster by improving store fulfilment efficiency and enhancing the store pick-up experience. They create hybrid stores supporting online sales while meeting customers’ expectations for fast pick-up and delivery. Ship-from-store capabilities not only enable ecommerce orders to be shipped from stores, but stores can also ship orders placed in other stores. And with a unified view of inventory across all stores and DCs they can quickly see where inventory is located, and choose the fastest route to fulfil orders.
  6. Unified Channels Enhance Personalization: As buying journeys start online and store visits become more planned, customer expectations for a seamless ‘one brand’ experience rise. However, many retailers have channel silos – which means any interaction or activity that the customer had with them online is not available to the customer or staff within the store. Retailers deliver personalized experiences using AI and intelligence across online and offline channels, delivering timely and relevant communications, recommendations, offers, and rewards. This extends into other communications such as e-receipts and shipping notifications.
  7. Unified Employee Experiences: A great customer experience depends on a great employee experience. Retailers invest in employee efficiency and enablement, equipping in-store teams with relevant customer intelligence like loyalty points, wishlists, and sales histories – to equip them to add more value to their customer interactions. AI technology offers personalized upselling recommendations during click-and-collect pickups. Localized pricing ensures up-to-date, competitive pricing, empowering teams to make informed, on-the-spot decisions.

In conclusion, there’s a colossal shift taking place right now in how multi-store retailers plan, build and deliver their in-store customer experience. The prime driver behind this upheaval is the boom in ecommerce that is creating new online shopping habits and reshaping consumers’ expectations of in-store experiences. The synergy between the online and offline embodiment of a brand, understanding the customer’s path to purchase and shopping history have all become fundamental to creating lifetime customer value.

ETP Group has a proven and reference-able track-record of success supporting multi-store retailers at the forefront of omni-channel innovation, with a robust product capability and experience, and the right people and processes to move fast.

Top 5 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Omni-Channel Retail

Top 5 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Omni-Channel Retail


The concept of omnichannel retailing has now taken over a majority of the retail industry, with retailers focussing on providing a consistent, coordinated omnichannel customer experience across all customer channels using consistent and universal data.

So, what is omnichannel retail?

Omnichannel retail involves a dramatic shift from the multichannel retail approach. This retail strategy refers to a business model wherein all existing channels are integrated to offer customers a seamless and omnichannel shopping experience. The strategy is empowered by centralised data management, which blurs the lines between online and physical channels.

Customers can seamlessly use different channels in their shopping processes and are given a unique opportunity to create their preferable shopping routines. The omnichannel retail approach is adopted simultaneously in inventory management, sales channel, and marketing strategy.

This article aims to help retailers understand the need of investing in omnichannel retail: 

1.Offering A Wonderful Customer Experience

Omnichannel retailing results in an omnichannel customer experience that seamlessly integrates online and offline channels. A retailer’s ultimate goal should not be to generate sales in a specific channel but to allow purchases to occur naturally and conveniently in the channel chosen by their customers.

By integrating online and offline channels, customers can shop from anywhere and experience an optimized retail experience. Be it shopping in brick and mortar stores or via using apps or company websites, customers can interact on all channels, efficiently manage their loyalty points and rewards, and invest in quick transactions. This type of interaction at all levels helps in improving customer relationships and pushes them to interact on a deeper level with retail brands.

2.Improving Sales

With an omnichannel retailing set-up, shoppers can shop from whichever channel they like, physical stores or online channels. With inventory management integration in the retail strategy, retailers receive stock visibility across all channels and gain accessibility into the customer’s favorite channel. This retail strategy also integrates multiple sales channels, and shoppers can pick the most convenient one, thereby leading to an increase in sales.

3.Increased Customer Retention Rates

Shoppers aim to buy products in a way that is most convenient to them. An omnichannel retail strategy is the best way of offering your customers various sales channels and letting them pick one that best suits them. Further, omnichannel retail incorporates multiple payment gateways that ease transaction processes. This leads to optimized checkout rates and quick and secure checkouts, resulting in increased customer retention.

4.Improved Data Collection

With an intelligent omnichannel retail solution, retailers can store all customer data centrally located on cloud databases. The valuable data may include essential customer information like contact details, purchase histories, etc. Retailers can take advantage of this data for creating personalized shopping experiences for customers. They can monitor customers across all channels, understand them better, know their preferences, and create targeted marketing campaigns and customized promotions for every client that makes them feel special.

5.Enhanced Productivity

The omnichannel retail experience offers a 360-degree view of all the customer purchases that helps to serve them better in the future. The integration of loyalty management programs further increases productivity.

Customers can pick, review information, offer feedback, purchase, promote, and like products from anywhere that increasing overall productivity and efficiency.

ETP’s omnichannel retail software offers an amazing omnichannel retailing experience

An intelligent omnichannel retail software integrates all crucial retail operations such as the point-of-sale, inventory management, customer relationship management, etc. by providing a single point solution for all retail processes irrespective of the channel. It perfectly integrates the backend operations with the demand and supply channels, offering physical and digital retail personalization to the customers which improves their overall experience and visibility of the brand.


How retailers can leverage O2O effectively!


The O2O concept is not new, rather it has been a buzzword for a few years now but in the last couple of years this concept has started gaining importance. In simple words O2O means online-to-offline where online channels are used to drive customers to the offline stores. The main aspect here however is to make this experience flow between the virtual and the physical channels seamless and impressive.

Below are three ways how retailers can use their existing resources to leverage O2O effectively.

Brick And Mortar Stores:

By treating stores not just as sales channels but also as distribution centers, retailers can leverage their store network to satisfy customer needs by using store level inventory to deliver orders to customers’ homes as well as for click-and collect orders. With these new fulfillment options enabled by the store, consumers can click, collect and return goods as per their convenience. Modern day customers are demanding a better combination of value, convenience and experience and brands who strike the right balance between delivering great product value and offering superior customer experience and convenience will emerge as customer favorites.

Combination Of Channels:

About a few of years ago retailers went about developing websites and mobile applications to expand their presence and some retailers also shifted to an online-only presence without having any offline stores since the trend seemed like the customer was increasingly going ‘digital’. Moreover running and managing brick-and-mortar stores were seen as an expensive and time consuming affair. But the modern day retailers have realized the need to go ‘omni-channel’ i.e. seamlessly integrating both their online and offline channels to enable customers to research, purchase, earn and burn loyalty points, and return, across channels. Brands focusing on getting their omni-channel right will definitely win the customer experience race.

Data Management:

In order to get it right in omni channel retailing, retailers need to manage their customers and inventory across channels. As customers randomly switch between channels while shopping it is imperative for retailers to ensure that the customer demands are satisfied, irrespective of the channel they choose. Here is where data management will help. Having insightful customer data such as past buying patterns and purchasing history, as well as accurate information of the product inventory and stock, and having all this available in near real-time will allow retailers to be proactive towards managing demands across channels effectively and thus mitigating chances of lost sales. Moreover profiling customers will also enable retailers to create and execute targeted promotions and campaigns to spike customers’ interest in the brand and thus boost sales.

Also Read: How Can Retail Leverage The Benefits Of Blockchain

AI Revolution in Retail and Consumer Products

Artificial Intelligence, abbreviated as AI, has been at the centre stage of business innovation since quite a few years now. It shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Instead, going by the recent trends, its adoption is expected to increase manifolds in the next couple of years. The rapidly growing competition in the retail industry requires the players to consistently innovate with their consumer products. They need to improve the efficiency of business processes and improve decision-making – exactly what AI is equipped to help them achieve. This will ensure consumer loyalty and further increase their base, helping them to stay buoyant in the challenging retail market conditions.

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A recent report titled “The coming AI revolution in retail and consumer products” conducted by the global IT company, IBM, predicts a bright future for AI-powered innovations. Conducted at the 2019 Big Show, which was hosted by National Retail Federation, the study included participants from 1,900 retail and consumer products from 23 countries.

Let’s take a look at the salient points of the report that was released by IBM’s Business Value.

  • 79% of consumer products and 85% of retail organizations that participated in the survey revealed their plans of integrating AI in their existing better supply chain planning by the year 2021.
  • Two out of five retailers already use AI, and the number is expected to become double by 2021.
  • The retailers surveyed believe that AI may push up their annual revenue growth by a significant 10%.
  • Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in automating demand forecasting and customer engagement.




What is in store for Singles’ Day 2018?

Singles’ Day (11.11) 2018 which will be celebrated on 11 November, will mark the shopping event’s 10th anniversary. It would not be an exaggeration to state that 11.11 has grown much bigger than a commercial fair as is now one of the major annual milestones in China’s cultural calendar, thanks to Alibaba. This year, the company and its partners are gearing up to make this event a phenomenal shopping extravaganza, with sights set on trumping last year’s figures, there is definitely something exciting to look forward to for the shoppers.


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During last year’s event, 812 million parcels were delivered and this year the stakes have been raised higher as the prediction for the milestone in 2018 is more than 1 billion parcels. This could pose some serious challenges in terms of logistics and delivery. One of the ways the company is planning to counter those and preparing for the rush is by opening what is said to be the biggest robotic warehouse in China. This new warehouse positioned as an internet of things-powered, “robotic smart warehouse” will have close to 700 automated vehicles.

Another important move to tackle the delivery challenges while trying to cope up with changing demands and offering a better experience is ensuring quick delivery. Hence this year, for the first time, goods ordered during the Singles Day event will be delivered directly from the stores to the customers and in some-cases within minutes. Short-distance delivery services will also be available in more than 280 cities in the country.

This year the event will also be expanding beyond China through Lazada, the Southeast Asia online platform owned by Alibaba. This will prove to be a strategic and inspiring move in an effort to magnify the events footprint and globalize it. Moreover, this event will also witness diversification in a bigger way as it will not only be restricted to purchasing products, but also offer purchase of services.

With all this at play, one thing is sure that Alibaba would be looking to offer a brand new seamless shopping experience by heavily relying on technology such as omni-channel, AI, cloud and so on to provide an online and offline, cross-platform supply-chain solution and enabling them to cut inventory costs, while increasing operating efficiency, especially around 11.11, the busiest season of the year.

As Singles’ Day 2018 is poised to eclipse again this year, it is just a matter time when the figures start coming in and provide a clearer picture of how much more extravagant and successful this year’s event will be.

Why are physical stores important for retail business success?

The retail industry has evolved over the past few decades and the customers have now become the prime focus. With the advent of omni-channel retailing, the entire ball-game for businesses has been about getting to the customer wherever they are and whenever they are available. This has driven the necessity of creating and offering shopping experiences that can have a positive and long-lasting impact on the customers so that they do not move away from the brand.

The essential advantage of having a brick and mortar retail store is to introduce the products to customer in the context of an allowing them to experience the products and related services and then build on that experience and relationship in person so that it stays with them. This will then foster loyalty and repeat business while also turning these loyal customers into brand ambassadors for the business. Having a retail store is an opportunity for retailers to allow customers experience tangibility of the products and the services as well as leverage the human touch factor by having store associates to engage with the customers directly for assistance and promoting sales. It is a matter of fact that people influence people and this is one major click that retailers can achieve to connect with their customers and build long standing relationships.


One more aspect of retail stores is when the store is not just used to display products and increase sales, rather it is about leveraging the physical space to create moments and memories that go beyond just selling. For example, in the apparel retail business, having trial rooms have always been a big booster for the business as customers prefer to try out stuff before actually going ahead and buying. So also, other retail verticals like bookstores can provide space for reading and collaborating, or furniture stores can demonstrate some DIY techniques, and so on and so forth.

Thirdly, it would not be an understatement to say that retail stores are the best place for the customer to interact directly with the brand, be it touching or trying out tangible aspects of the brands like products or even coming face-to-face with the human aspect of the brand while engaging with store associates who with the right kind of training can definitely be brand custodians. It is at the brick-and-mortar store that experiential retail can be really demonstrated and experienced.

Thus in this new age of retail, brands that continue with the old line of thinking where the idea is to optimize the floor space purely for sales purposes will definitely see their business plummet. Changing the approach by working on re-purposing every square foot of the space to build that kind of a retail experience that will truly resonate with the customers.

From past to present to future, retail is going to be about ‘location’


Traditionally, the retail industry has been focused on selling products that have been produced and in order to be able to sell those products, it was necessary for retail marketers to follow the principles of the AIDA model. In other words, they had to draw attention of consumers towards new products in the market and spike their interest in those products by various methods. Their very next move was to cultivate that interest into a desire for the product and then drive consumers towards taking an action, in most cases, purchasing the product and thus completing the sale for the business.

Times have changed and the traditional model of retail has undergone a massive disruption where the focus has moved from selling to understanding and then fulfilling the needs of the customer. The retail industry of today has the customer in the driver’s seat, and for retailers it is all about getting to know the customers’ desire better and create products and services that are able to satisfy those needs. Having said that, the basic principles of marketing in retail – attention, interest, desire and action, still hold good but the context of application of these principles may have changed since the modern day customers are mostly aware and attuned to what they want and generally from where they are going to purchase their products or receive the service(s) they seek.

While the retail industry has treaded this journey from a traditional being to what we call as omni-channel retail in the modern day world, there is one factor that principally, still has a formidable impact on the success of any retail business. And that is ‘location’. Let’s deep dive into this conundrum.

Again going back to the past, while the retail market was product/service oriented, the essentiality of getting these to be noticed by customers compelled retailers to look for the best location to station their offerings, generally a busy place where prospective customers usually frequented. And this importance on the physical location is still a foothold for most retail brands who are running their brick-and-mortar stores. Because, in spite of the rise of e-commerce and mobile commerce, most consumers still prefer to shop at stores and many stats have proven this fact.

Now that’s just one aspect in the context of the location where in the physical location plays an essential part in the success of the retail business. Today, retail is about omni-channel and about unified commerce, and the customer is at the epicenter of the business. The rat race to win the customer is on and the location factor plays an important role to win this race. However, here is where the other aspect in the context of the location comes handy. Taking some cues from the past, getting the products/services to where the customers are is still the right thing to do. But with the advent of the internet and mobile devices and social media, the customer has now become the location as he/she is all over. So today, it is not only about the physical presence, but also the virtual or online presence of the retail brands and moreover, the presence in the right places and channels that’s what is extremely critical. Getting the right product at the right time at the right price is necessary but also at the right place is more than half the battle won. The remaining bit is getting the right message/communication across at the right time and through the right channels or mediums to the customer will enable retailers to have maximum impact and stand out from the rest, to seal the deal with their end customers.

Also Read: Omni-Channel Success: Bridging Gap Between Customer Expectations And Omni-Channel Retail Execution

The 3 I Mantra for New Age Retail


The retail industry has been a trendsetter in adopting technology and digitization. As a result, the industry has been revolutionized by the disruptions caused due to the influence of advanced technologies. In fact, the evolution of the retail industry still continues as businesses and consumers collaborate over trade to further influence the need for progressive transformation.

As the power is now in the hands of the consumers, they are driving retail businesses to constantly strive towards not only focusing on the customer, but also conceptualizing and creating experiences that customers can relish and cherish. Be it brick-and-mortar or e-commerce retail companies, every business is looking to capture a large chunk of the customers’ attention and wallet. As a consequence, the competition has intensified leading to a situation where retailers have only one way out – perform or perish. In order to stay in the game, retailers must look at the 3 I mantra: integration, intelligence and innovation.

Integration: Today’s shoppers are not ordinary shoppers, they are a new breed of shoppers who demand convenience and want speed. Moreover, they want to be associated with retail brands that are tech savvy like them and have more than one channel for interacting and shopping. These new breed of shoppers are ‘omni-channel’ shoppers. Thus retailers need to integrate their channels, operations and processes to be able to provide that omni-channel shopping experience that can leave a mark on the customer.

Intelligence: Again drawing inspiration from the customers, retail businesses need to be ready and prepared for their customer who is equipped with information that allows them to make smart and better decisions. In order to better understand the customer, retail companies must capture as much data as possible about their customer and have the data about their product and service offerings along with the knowledge of their operations and processes. Having this comprehensive information, retail owners must derive the intelligence from the data and use it to enhance their business.

Innovation: Every modern day consumer is attracted to new advancements that happen in the market – be it products, services or offerings. The lesson to learn from this is that retail brands must constantly seek to innovate. They must always look out for new ways to create shopping experiences that are unique and innovative. Using innovation – right from production to packaging and marketing of the products, to sales and post sales services, throughout the entire shopping experience will definitely appeal to consumers and will make them crave for more.

Retail businesses seeking to do something new and unique in their space must equip their business with the right retail technology that enables integration, provides intelligence and aids innovation.