Rise of Contactless Payments: How Mobile POS Software is Meeting the Demand

The global pandemic has increased the adoption of contactless payments, with consumers seeking safe and convenient ways to transact. Mobile Point of Sale (MPOS) software has become a powerful solution to this growing demand. By transforming smartphones and tablets into portable payment terminals, MPOS Software enables businesses to accept contactless payments anywhere. In this blog, we will explore the rise of contactless payments and how MPOS software is revolutionizing how transactions are conducted.

Improved Efficiency and Mobility

MPOS software enables businesses to conduct transactions beyond the confines of a traditional brick-and-mortar store. Whether it’s a pop-up shop, a mobile retail truck, or an outdoor event, businesses can easily process payments on mobile devices. This mobility not only expands the reach of businesses but also improves their operational efficiency. Staff members can assist customers throughout the store, reducing wait times and enhancing the shopping experience. The endless aisle feature on the mobile POS can elevate the store performance to a new level by reducing lost sales due to stockout situation.

Enhanced Security and Trust

Contactless payments through MPOS software offer enhanced security features that protect sensitive customer data. Encrypted transactions and tokenization ensure that cardholder information remains secure throughout the payment process. Moreover, contactless payments significantly reduce the risk of physical card fraud and skimming, providing customers with peace of mind. The trust instilled by secure contactless payments helps build stronger customer relationships and encourages repeat business.

Flexibility and Versatility

MPOS software caters to various payment methods, including contactless cards, mobile wallets, and QR code payments. This flexibility allows businesses to cater to a wide range of customer preferences. Additionally, MPOS software often integrates with other business management systems, such as inventory and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, providing a holistic view of business operations. The versatility of MPOS software empowers businesses to adapt to evolving customer demands and streamline their overall operations.

Convenient and Seamless Transactions

MPOS software offers a seamless and convenient payment experience for both merchants and customers. By turning mobile devices into payment terminals, businesses can accept payments on the go, eliminating the need for traditional fixed-point terminals. Customers can complete transactions quickly and easily by tapping their contactless cards, scanning QR codes, or making mobile wallet payments. The convenience and speed of contactless payments enhance the overall customer experience and reduce checkout friction.

Cost-Effective Solution

Implementing MPOS software can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional point-of-sale systems. By utilizing existing mobile devices, businesses can avoid investing in dedicated hardware terminals. This eliminates upfront costs and reduces maintenance expenses associated with traditional POS systems. Moreover, MPOS software typically operates on a subscription or pay-as-you-go model, allowing businesses to scale their payment infrastructure as needed, without large upfront investments.

Analytics and Insights

MPOS software often provides valuable analytics and reporting capabilities that offer insights into sales performance and customer behaviour. Businesses can analyze transaction data, identify popular products, and better understand customer preferences. These insights help drive data-driven decision-making, optimize inventory management, and develop targeted marketing strategies. MPOS Software empowers businesses to leverage transaction data to fuel growth and improve operational efficiency.

Integration with E-commerce Platforms

MPOS software can integrate seamlessly with e-commerce platforms, creating a unified experience for businesses and customers. This integration enables businesses to synchronize inventory, process payments, and manage customer data across online and offline channels. Customers can enjoy a consistent shopping experience, whether in-store or online, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The rise of contactless payments has transformed how transactions are conducted, providing convenience, speed, and enhanced security. MPOS software has emerged as a key enabler of contactless payments, allowing businesses to accept payments anywhere, anytime through mobile devices. With its convenient and seamless transactions, improved efficiency and mobility, enhanced security and trust, flexibility and versatility, cost-effectiveness, analytics and insights, and integration with e-commerce platforms, MPOS software has revolutionized the payment landscape.

Deliver a true Omni-channel Customer Experience through the Retail Store of the Future

The retail industry has always been full of challenges. With the COVID-19 pandemic particularly highlighting these challenges, today’s market conditions combined with the fast-evolving customer expectations dictate that retailers should fast-track digital innovation and transform traditional business models.

Customer experience is the new competitive battleground, and those retailers who are able to harness the power of data and technology to enhance the customer experience are winning in this battle of growing customer loyalty and trust and gaining greater market share. Acting on customer insights and implementing changes in processes, technology, and mindset for the digitalization of customer journeys gives you the necessary momentum for long-term success in retail.


Transition to the low-touch digital store

In spite of the significant growth of the e-commerce channel, stores remain key touchpoints in the customer shopping journey and are still driving between 70% and 90% of total retail sales. In-store retention and engagement are critical to building loyalty and driving a higher volume of sales. However, your customers expect digital experiences that go beyond shopping, while always ensuring their safety.

ETP Omni-channel Retail Software supports retailers in offering convenience services, such as mPOS-enabled queue management solutions and frictionless payments. These help ensure your customers have a pleasant, minimum-touch shopping experience, and ultimately spend more. Mobile POS solutions in your stores enable you to improve customer flow and ensure safety measures like social distancing are followed.

Coupled with user-friendly, innovative retail digital transformation solutions such as Endless Aisle (digital product catalogue), in-store advance orders, and targeted promotions, you can be certain of supporting in-store digital customer journeys and improving in-store customer engagement. From development and deployment to managing periodical updates to your retail software suite, ETP’s consulting, global deliveries, and support teams will take care of every step and provide promised results.


Offer superior omnichannel shopping experiences to your customers

Retailers’ growth drivers are now more strongly linked than ever before to their capacity to integrate the new journeys of digital customers. However, many retailers still manage their offline and online sales channels in silos.

Our expert business consultants leverage our integration capabilities to help you map customer journeys and unify all of your sales channels, order management, payment processing, loyalty programs, delivery options, and more, both in-store and out-of-store. This will enable you to deliver the true omnichannel experiences that your customers expect.


Empower your workforce to succeed in its new role

As the role of the store is reinvented, in-store employees will have a part to play as personal advisors to shoppers. With ETP Mobile Store, you can give your employees access to the tools and applications they need to succeed in these roles. These will be accessible from anywhere through secure mobile terminals and cover CRM, inventory management, order management and more.

There is an ongoing competition to recruit, retain and develop the best talent, particularly among millennials, who value a great employee experience. ETP Omni-channel Retail Solutions can improve the collective knowledge and performance of your teams by facilitating better teamwork.

Additionally, retailers can avoid any skills gap resulting from high workforce turnover and give proper career perspective to their employees. The Orange Digital Academy and User Adoption Program offers flexible solutions that help you ensure your employees are trained and aware of new policies and processes, including the implications of new COVID-19 regulations.


Enhance your operations and drive growth with leading-edge technology

With consumers seeking the best of both worlds between physical and online shopping, retailers must prepare for a hybrid future. Adopting emerging technologies will help them transform their value propositions with respect to how they can improve their customer’s life, and make it easier and more fulfilling. A bold digital transformation strategy requires immense collaboration across technology ecosystems but it will help ensure success for the retail business in the long term.

Retailers typically operate a complex distributed network of business locations: offices, stores and distribution centres. At the stores, in addition to the POS, they put tablets, video, digital signs and other technologies to work simultaneously. These technologies are having a profound impact on the business performance and customer loyalty. It is crucial to ensure that the locations, channels, and devices are not operating in silos, and the data collected by each of them is not stored individually. Also, the new solutions should be able to access and understand the data stored in the legacy systems quite easily.

Balancing inventory assortments, managing orders and maintaining uniform pricing across channels requires you deploy retail technology that gives you one version of the truth about your inventory and your customers irrespective of the device or channel.

ETP Omni-channel Retail Software helps you apply more granular levels of control for specific business processes along the end-to-end integration, security and build/deploy service delivery chain. With omni-channel orchestration, you can directly determine the most preferred method of order fulfilment for each customer, personalise promotions for them based on merchandise, location, time and/or customer hierarchies, and manage third-party integrations with ERP/legacy/such other systems. This ensures you can deliver the agility and responsiveness required to enhance the shopping experience at all your business locations.

Furthermore, ETP Connect allows you to bridge your online and offline channels, costs and IT estate while ensuring that all services work in harmony with the required governance level.

Leveraging Technology to Drive Innovation in Retail

Technology to drive innovation
Innovation in retail has long been driven by new technologies and the desire to see what they can do. From video rental shops to Amazon, retailers have fallen over themselves to adopt tech that gives them an edge over the competition—and a bigger piece of the pie. Today, brick-and-mortar stores face much stiffer competition than their online rivals. After all, how can you compete with the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your own home? You could argue that you can’t. But I’m here to tell you there are still plenty of ways for physical retailers to use tech to innovate and get ahead in this brave new world. Here’s a look at just some of them:

Remember the days when customers visiting a store were greeted with a salesperson following them from aisle to aisle, making product recommendations and steering them towards the cash counter? It’s not that long ago that such practices were commonplace in retail. But today’s customers are more demanding than ever before—they want to be able to shop whenever and wherever they want, without being followed by a salesperson or being pushed into buying more than they need.

As shoppers now seek a more convenient method of shopping, it is imperative for brick-and-mortar stores to reinvent themselves by offering an omni-channel experience and creating a seamless shopping experience for their customers. While the use of technology can serve as an effective tool in achieving these goals, retail companies need to take the initiative to stay relevant and useful to customers.

The importance of leveraging technology cannot be overstated when it comes to transforming information into actionable insights in order to personalize interactions with shoppers. By doing so, organizations can create a superior customer experience that sets them apart from competitors who lack these capabilities.

The first step toward delivering this enhanced shopping experience is through digital technology that, among other things, enables data gathering at multiple touch points. This gives retailers access to a goldmine of customer information that helps businesses to remain relevant and useful to their customers.

But how do you use this data? How do you know what kind of information you should be collecting? How much should be collected? And how can it all be used effectively in order to improve the overall customer experience?

Data is truly a gift from heaven for retail companies—and not just because they can use it as part of their analytics efforts; data collection also provides important insights into consumer behaviour and preferences. With this knowledge in hand, companies are able to create personalized experiences for each individual shopper based on their shopping history and preferences rather than relying simply on demographic information such as gender or age range alone (which may not always accurately represent them). It also allows retailers greater insights into where there might be demand for new products/services or locations within stores, where consumers prefer spending time during different parts of their day (e.g., morning vs afternoon shifts) and so on.

The next step involves leveraging technology tools available today to transform that information into actionable insights. These insights can be used to personalize interactions with shoppers based on their unique browsing and buying patterns and to proactively address their changing needs throughout their journey, from purchase to return.

This is the heart of a customer-centric approach that can make all the difference in your store’s ability to get things right for your customers. With it, you will:

  • Use retail CRM tools to better understand how shoppers interact with your brand, which products they prefer — or don’t — and what messages resonate most with them
  • Use data analytical tools to help you identify common pain points across customers as well as groups within your base; this could include identifying which product categories are underperforming or where there are gaps in inventory (e.g., if multiple customers have been looking at specific items online but not buying them)
  • Use retail management software solutions such as the ETP V5.5 Store software coupled with the ETP Connect – a secured web services middleware or ecommerce management solutions such as Ordazzle powered by ETP, integrated with ERP systems from Oracle, SAP, Infor, and more so that retailers gain visibility into where/when orders come in from customers vs. where/when can they be fulfilled from.
  • Leverage mobile POS (mPOS) technology for providing value-added services including providing product information and price comparisons across channels. The ETP Mobile Store mobile POS software converts your store staff into intelligent assistants that can also help in inventory management by identifying which products are selling faster than others.

Additionally, retailers should use artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve customer service. For example, a retailer could install cameras at the entrance of the stores to monitor the flow of customers during peak shopping hours. This data can then be used to determine where additional staffing may be needed or identify bottlenecks along the customer journey so that employees can address them immediately.

Data analysis can also be used by retailers who want to deliver superior customer service as well as track consumer trends across the supply chain, helping them optimize inventory management practices and streamline production schedules.

Retailers have access to a wealth of consumer data thanks in part to social media. By leveraging this information, companies will be better equipped to serve customers’ needs by providing the products and personalised promotions they want when they want them—even before they know what those desires are.

The ability for companies to quickly identify consumer trends allows them to not only plan, but also to identify cross-selling opportunities.


Digital transformation is no longer an option for retailers, but a business imperative. If you’re not leveraging technology to drive innovation, the process of change will still happen — your competitors and customers will be the ones who lead it.

Is mPOS a smarter alternative to the traditional POS?

Is mPOS a smarter alternative to the traditional POS? | mPOS

During the past two decades, most retailers in Asia Pacific and India have already replaced the typical manual billing systems with robust and dynamic POS software solutions that support multiple payment gateways, easy checkouts, and improve the overall customer shopping experience. These traditional POS systems play a critical role for retail businesses as they offer several business-specific features like inventory management, sales reports, and integration with backend retail operations.

However, modern customers nowadays expect to make their retail purchases quickly and without any hassles. So, retailers cannot solely depend on POS software and must adopt Mobile POS solutions as well into their businesses.

Both mPOS and POS software play a crucial role in facilitating a retail businesses’ productivity and sales. Retailers looking to scale up their in-store shopping experience must rely on both these solutions for a higher profit-generating business outcome. They need to include mPOS systems into their retail operations as these prove to be a more innovative and modern alternative to POS solutions.

This article aims to help you understand why Mobile POS software or mPOS is a more intelligent alternative to POS software.


of ETP Mobile POS

Take me there

The most important aspect of this mobility revolution is centered on customer personalization, portability, and easy access to a more connected, mobile internet. These factors play the most crucial role in mobile point of sale for retail operations where the retailers want to gain customer sales and satisfaction over their products, especially in the luxury and lifestyle environment.

With ETP being able to deliver a complete Mobile POS solutions program, that seamlessly has complete billing, inventory look up, and retail mobility solutions over iOs or android based smartphone devices, retailers can now easily manage their customers’ buying history, allow customers to add loyalty points, look up stock, generate invoices based on their purchase or put the bills on hold, collect payments securely, and more importantly reduce queues, thereby maintaining safe distancing between customers at the stores.

ETP’s Mobile POS solution, ETP Mobile Store makes your business transactions simpler and convenient! With intelligent features like easy deployment, endless aisle item search, product lookup, and quick and convenient billing, this mPOS system eases your daily transactions. It promotes customer satisfaction, thereby increasing your sales and profits.

How Does Mobile POS (mPOS) make the Modern Retailer’s Life Easy

ETP Blog - How Does Mobile POS (mPOS) make the Modern Retailer’s Life Easy

The grueling responsibility of running a retail business efficiently can be made manageable by using a robust and dynamic Mobile POS (MPOS) system. Mobile POS solutions allow retailers and merchants to access POS functionalities on iOS or Android devices. These solutions turn any smartphone, tablet, or wireless device into a powerful, modern-day system that performs the functions of a cash register or electronic POS terminal wirelessly. The correct MPOS system will also help you keep track of sales and customer information, boost employee productivity, and offer a seamless customer experience and service. A capable mPOS system can help retailers in taking their brand or company to the next level in the near future.

A Mobile POS system, also known as a Mobility Retail Solution, works on a tablet or handheld device that is either iOS or Android enabled. It is cloud-based, which means that all the data captured by the device is automatically backed up and saved online. Its advantages in terms of customer service (queue busting, ensuring safe distancing in the stores) and the speed with which it records data and monitors transactions can just not be ignored any longer. Most significantly, it aids in comprehending complex data, allowing business owners to solve issues and tailor their strategies for long-term success.

This blog will help you understand how mobile POS systems can make a retailer’s life easier.

Inventory management

Terrible inventory management is without a doubt bad for retail businesses. After all, it is your stock that attracts customers to your store. With inventory issues across stores and across channels such as stock out and pilferage becoming all too typical these days, it’s clear that retailers need to improve their inventory tracking and management system.

During peak sales periods such as the festive season especially, it is common to see empty shelves and frustrated shoppers. Store staff is unable to replenish the stock on the shelves in time and that leads to unfulfilled sales which leaves the shoppers unsatisfied as they feel they made a wasted trip down to the store. With the endless aisle feature, stores are no longer limited by their shelf space. With the Endless Aisle Item Search functionality, you can easily list your entire inventory across stores and at warehouses online in a single screen and empower your store staff to offer suggestions to in-store shoppers for goods that are not on the shelves and allow them to choose from the entire inventory available.

You can thus monitor your transactions against your existing stocks without breaking a sweat using an MPOS system. This real-time accounting provides you with a realistic picture of the status of your inventory. And, because your MPOS can manage and sort goods by categories, tags, and serial numbers, you can track supply fluctuations and determine which ones need to be replaced.

Provide great customer experience

When it comes to providing an outstanding customer experience, cloud-based mobile point of sale gives your associates more time with their customers. It makes them happy by removing the difficulties they experience when dealing with technology that doesn’t work or isn’t doing its job effectively.

Your employees will give superior service, and your customers will be able to check out on the spot using a mobile point of sale. Your store staff can scan the merchandise anywhere in-store, hold the bill if needed, offer line discounts during the checkout process, and collect the payment to enable queue busting at the store. This improves customer satisfaction, which leads to increased and/or repeat sales. You’ll be able to provide that desired shopping experience by providing your efficient employees with great tools.

Better Analytics Leads to Better Decisions

This is where some of MPOS’s most outstanding features come into play. MPOS includes a robust reporting system that can provide you with real-time or near-real-time sales data. You may usually filter by date, product ID, customer, and other factors in addition to just totaling transactions. These tools allow you to delve deep into your data to determine what is selling and what isn’t, and how to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Digital Receipts

Your customers now expect digital receipts in addition to contactless payments. They are seen as safer, more reliable, and more convenient once again. Offering digital receipts is a highly successful technique to acquire your consumers’ email addresses, adding to your marketing database.


Following are 4 main reasons to upgrade to a mobile POS (mPOS) solution:

  1. mPOS solutions are time-saving: They are easy to set up and can be used anywhere along with requiring minimal counter space.
  2. Optimized and Secure checkouts: Intelligent mPOS solutions offer integrations with various payment gateways and loyalty programs, encouraging clients to manage and use their rewards or loyalty points during future purchases.
  3. Cloud integration is standard on mPOS systems as it reduces the requirement for on-site data storage by business owners.
  4. With an mPOS, sales associates can service consumers quickly, reducing queues and turnaround times. By providing prompt and courteous service to customers, has boosted sales and interactions.


A fast and secure mPOS solution such as the ETP Mobile Store solution allows you to handle all of the above and more from a single screen. Furthermore, when running your business from the cloud, it’s simple to adapt services and extend capabilities as your company expands and your customers’ needs change. Mobile point-of-sale systems provide a well-organized, quick, and anywhere checkout, allowing store staff to handle clients swiftly. A robust Retail Mobile POS solution also enables a variety of contactless payment choices.

ETP’s Mobile POS solution seamlessly integrates and offers user-friendly experiences. It can also help you scale your business, be more responsive to customer requests, and forecast your revenue. Its unique value proposition is its ability to continuously offer enterprise-grade Omni-channel retail solutions to its clients while also forging decade-long strategic collaborations and partnerships.

Online In-Store – Shopper’s Paradise

ETP blog online in-store

Smartphones are getting smarter and making their users more savvy shoppers. Today, customers research, review, compare, purchase products online and in-store. Research shows more than 80% shoppers use their smartphones in-store, while shopping. The customer’s mobile is the starting point of most shopping journeys. It begins with searching about the various categories of interest. The search leads to the customer browsing deeper into the product information, while in the physical store, and ready to make the purchase.

Most shoppers use their phones to ascertain pre-shopping information like searching the store location and timings, comparing prices and understanding the store or brand specific promotions and ensuring the product availability at the store. Customers who use mobiles more often buy more. This is seen across product categories like health and beauty, electronics, home care and appliances. Browsing through substantial product information and reviews surreptitiously influences customers positively and removes any doubts regarding a purchase. Sometimes, customers also buy experience enhancing accompaniments for the selected products after reading about them online.

Mobile technology in retail is impacting a broad spectrum of business functions such as campaign and promotion management, customer service and acquisition, retention and loyalty management, space planning and optimization, operational processes, demand and supply forecasting, inventory management, security management, etc. Retailers are focusing strongly on mobile connect and analytics to gain actionable customer insights out of the enterprise data. For this, mobile technology like mPOS and beacons are being introduced into the retail store to deliver superior shopping experiences.

Also Read: How Can Retail Leverage The Benefits Of Blockchain

Mobile Technology Redefining Retail

Recently, Flipkart – India’s leading e-commerce marketplace offering over 15 million products cross 70+ categories, announced it would convert into a mobile app-only format within the year. Flipkart’s mobile traffic was at 6% a year ago, but it has increased more than 10 Times since then. The move makes sense as India is the third-largest internet market in the world with more than 243 million users, trailing China and the US in that order. Boston Consulting Group expects more than 580 million people in India to use the internet by 2018, 70-80% of them accessing the web on mobile phones.

Mobile technology has brewed exponential change in retail operations. We dive deeper into the main and most successful components of the same:

Mobile Point Of Sale (mPOS) technology has removed physical limitations on a sale check-out and created more in-store floor space. mPOS technology empowers the in-store staff to use wireless, intuitive mobile and tablet applications to accept payments on the spot. For example, the ETP MobileStore MPOS application integrates in-store item record, customer data, sales person information, product barcodes and multiple payment transactions with electronic invoice capability. This enables features like queue busting, mobile CRM, easy customer/inventory lookup, price check, quick customer service, customer registrations and promotions gratification. mPOS reduces walk-outs and reverses the trend of small basket check-outs through up/cross selling, based on personalized customer profile and secure, faster modes of payments.

Beacon is a hardware technology of nominal cost and it is small enough to be installed anywhere in the store. This battery-friendly device uses Bluetooth to transmit messages or prompts to smartphones and tablets around the store location. With the requisite permissions, beacons integrate with the company’s analytics software and access the customer’s buying history. The messages can be targeted according to past sales, current customer location, average time spent in the store, and more. It seamlessly combines the data captured from both online and physical store, directing online preferences to the retail store. According to customer research, 63% of respondents can be persuaded to enter a store by a push notification sent to their smart device via beacon technology.

The mobilization of shopping with m-commerce has grown exponentially across the world due to the swift adoption of smart mobile devices. The unique selling point remains the convenience of shopping anywhere, any time with multiple payment options. Big data analytics has helped retailers fuel their mobile marketing strategies through data-driven insights. It has helped brands reach consumers who cannot access conventional retail touch-points.

Macy’s became the Retailer of the Year 2014 by embracing image recognition, beacons, mobile wallets and event-driven mobile commerce, bringing added convenience and excitement to the shopping experience in a way few other retailers can match. Mobile technology would continue to thrive, develop and stimulate retail transformations that evolve the customer experience. In the near future, models like social media retail, virtual showrooms and 3D printed customization are going to head the next stage of change.