How to Outperform Your Competitors with Unified Commerce

In today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, the ability to provide a seamless and consistent customer experience across all channels is paramount. Unified commerce, a strategic approach that integrates online and offline channels, offers a powerful solution to differentiate your business and outperform competitors. By breaking down silos and creating a cohesive customer journey, unified commerce enables retailers to deliver personalized experiences, enhance customer loyalty, and drive sales.

What is Unified Commerce?

Unified commerce strategy is more than just a technology solution; it’s a strategic mindset that prioritizes customer experience. It involves integrating various channels, such as e-commerce, brick-and-mortar stores, mobile apps, social media, and marketplaces, into a single, unified commerce platform. This integration allows retailers to offer a consistent and personalized experience across all touchpoints, regardless of where the customer chooses to interact with the brand.

Unified Retail Commerce: Key Benefits

Enhanced Customer Experience:

  • Seamless Omnichannel Shopping: Customers can easily transition between online and offline channels, such as browsing products online and picking them up in-store or returning items purchased online to a physical location.
  • Personalized Recommendations: By leveraging customer data from multiple channels, retailers can offer highly personalized product recommendations and marketing campaigns, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • Consistent Branding: A unified commerce approach ensures that customers experience consistent branding and messaging across all channels, reinforcing brand identity and loyalty.

Increased Operational Efficiency:

  • Streamlined Inventory Management: Unified commerce enables retailers to have a real-time view of inventory levels across all channels, reducing stockouts and overstocking.
  • Optimized Order Fulfillment: By integrating online and offline channels, retailers can leverage their entire network to fulfill orders efficiently, improving delivery times and reducing costs.
  • Simplified Returns: Customers can return products to any channel, regardless of where they were purchased, streamlining the returns process and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Improved Customer Loyalty:

  • Personalized Interactions: Unified retail commerce empowers retailers to deliver personalized experiences that resonate with individual customers, fostering a stronger emotional connection and increasing loyalty.
  • Consistent Customer Service: A unified view of customer data allows retailers to provide consistent and helpful customer service across all channels, building trust and loyalty.
  • Loyalty Program Integration: Unified commerce can seamlessly integrate with loyalty programs, offering personalized rewards and incentives to encourage repeat purchases.

Competitive Advantage:

  • Differentiation: By offering a superior customer experience through unified commerce, retailers can differentiate themselves from competitors and attract a larger customer base.
  • Increased Market Share: A unified commerce approach can help retailers expand their market reach and capture new customers by providing a more convenient and personalized shopping experience.
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: A positive customer experience fueled by unified commerce can enhance a brand’s reputation and drive word-of-mouth marketing.

Implementing Unified Commerce: A Strategic Approach

To successfully provide unified commerce experience, retailers should follow a strategic approach:

  1. Define Goals and Objectives: Clearly articulate the desired outcomes of unified commerce, such as improving customer satisfaction, increasing sales, or enhancing operational efficiency.
  2. Assess Existing Infrastructure: Evaluate the current state of your technology infrastructure and identify areas that need to be upgraded or integrated to support unified commerce.
  3. Choose the Right Technology Partner: Select a technology partner with expertise in unified commerce solutions that can provide the necessary tools and support.
  4. Implement a Data Strategy: Develop a robust data strategy to collect, analyze, and leverage customer data across all channels.
  5. Provide Employee Training: Ensure that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively support unified commerce initiatives.
  6. Continuously Monitor and Optimize: Regularly evaluate the performance of your unified commerce implementation and make necessary adjustments to optimize results.

By embracing unified commerce, retailers can create a more customer-centric, efficient, and profitable business. By breaking down silos, delivering personalized experiences, and enhancing operational efficiency, unified commerce offers a strategic advantage that can help businesses outperform their competitors and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.

Contact ETP Group today to learn more about our unified commerce and how it can benefit your business.

Four Pillars of Retail Customer Experience

In this day and age of omni-channel, retail is all about the customer. What the customer needs and demands, how do they research and shop, which channels do they use to interact, what is their opinion about brands and products, what are their interests and preferences, which demographic segment do they belong to, what influences their purchasing, and so on – these are the questions retailers need to seek answers to, so that they are able to understand and serve their customers better. Additionally, since consumer behavior is dynamic and so is the retail business, the same answers may not hold true every time. Thus there is a need for the retail companies to put in constant efforts so as to be able to keep pace with their consumers’ changing demands.

In order to be able to service their customers to the best of their abilities, retail brands must have a holistic approach in strategizing, conceptualizing, creating and offering experiences that can impress their customers. As such, the shopping experiences must be positive and enriching. There are 4 essential pillars of retail customer experience – personal, mobile, seamless and secure, that retailers need to focus on for optimal results.

Below is an infographic that illuminates the importance of these 4 pillars with some industry statistics that retailers need to pay attention to.

Retail Customer Experience

Moving from E-commerce to Omni-channel – Top 3 Challenges


Changing customer expectations, the advent of multiple channels of shopping and the infusion of technology in retail have given rise to a new breed of shoppers today commonly known as ‘omni-channel shoppers’. These modern-day retail shoppers are tech-savvy and highly demanding, spoilt for choice, and seek value for their money. And they will not want to associate with single-channel retail brands as they constantly look for convenience and speed. So not only brick and mortar retail companies but online only e-commerce retail brands also have no choice but to migrate to omni-channel. However, with e-commerce companies going for an omni-channel approach that integrates both offline and online retail, there are some challenges that these retailers need to be ready for.

Online-offline integration:

There are basically, two main channels for retail – online (which includes e-commerce, mobile, and social media) and offline (which includes brick and mortar store, pop up stores). While integrating the online channels to work seamlessly would seem to be achievable due to the similar nature of functionality, adding offline to this mix and looking to achieve a seamless integration can prove to be a daunting task as this calls for necessarily aligning every process and operation of the business to meet the omni-channel objective of unified customer experience. However, the good news is, that by employing the right omni-channel for e-commerce software, retailers can achieve a seamless transition from a single channel and holistic omni-channel integration.

Customer and inventory management:

Online retailers generally provide the ‘buy online and ship to home’ fulfillment. However, when looking to go completely omni-channel from e-commerce, there are new fulfillment options that can be added such as buy online pick up in store, endless aisle, and so on. This calls for a seamless and accurate flow of customer and inventory information across all channels. Having a unified view of the inventory and a single view of the customer across channels is necessary to handle multiple fulfillment options as well as planning and executing promotion campaigns and loyalty programs for customers across channels. Having a solid omni-channel retail software with CRM, promotions and inventory management capabilities can allow retailers to offer a unified omni channel customer experience.

Supply chain and logistics management:

Moving from e-commerce to omni-channel though has benefits, it also poses multiple supply chain and logistics challenges. One of the biggest challenges for retailers while implementing an omnichannel process is ensuring product availability at the right channel at the right time and at the right price. This is necessary for handling different engulfment options so that customers can get the gratification of their purchases as per their terms. Another challenge that is a necessity in this omni-channel age is reducing delivery time-frames. This again can be tackled by having the right product at the right place so that fulfillment centers are not too far away from the customers’ preferences of where they want to receive their purchases. With the help of a robust omni-channel retail solution encompassing supply chain management can ensure retailers succeed in their omni-channel business.

Also Read: Adopting Unified Commerce – The Next Generation Of Retail

Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2017 – key takeaways


As the Black Friday weekend came to a steady close, the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales statistics are now in the books and with that data in hand, it is time to dissect it, dive deeper into various aspects of it, analyse it, and make note of the inferences and learnings to be used for the future.

To begin with, it was reported that American consumers spent over US $19 billion online over the five-day period from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday in 2017. This was a 15 percent rise in spends as compared to spends done during the same time-frame last year.

Moving on, more than 64 million Americans used both online and physical stores to carry out their purchases from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday. Consumers who shopped at both online and brick-and-mortar stores spent US $82 more on an average than online-only shoppers, and US $49 more on an average than brick-and-mortar stores-only shoppers. Black Friday 2017 seemed to be the most popular day for brick-and-mortar retail stores with more than 70 million shoppers, followed by Small Business Saturday (Nov. 25, 2017) with about 55 million shoppers.

One of the most important takeaways for retail businesses basis the above statistics is both offline and online retail channels were used by consumers to shop. In fact, consumers who used more than one channel to shop spent higher on an average than those who used only a single channel.

Mobile shopping or m-commerce has developed in to a popular channel for consumers to discover and buy products. And this popularity reached new levels this year as mobile purchases surpassed those on desktop throughout the entire Black Friday weekend. Mobile sales accounted for more than 60% of orders overall, an increase of 10% over the last year. Thus, retailers across the globe need to definitely harness this channel to boost their sales in the future.

With online, offline and mobile – 3 important channels at play significantly in this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping event, a very important learning for retailers is that omni-channel retail can help them maximize their sales.

Another important aspect of this year’s Black Friday shopping event was that, though dominated by U.S., other countries across the globe also noted a significant spike in their sales on the same day. Reports state that countries like South Africa, Spain and the United Kingdom saw over 3 times as many orders on Black Friday, whereas Germany, Canada and France witnessed over 2 times the orders. Other countries like Ireland, Singapore and China also noticed a bump in the number of orders on Black Friday 2017. Thus Black Friday is becoming a global phenomenon soon. For retail businesses across the globe, this translates into an opportunity to attract more customers and drive higher sales.

Retail brands looking to strike big in the near future must pay heed to these key takeaways and use the right combination of people, processes and technology to succeed.

Are Pop-Up Stores Adding A New Dimension To Retail?

According to Pop Up Republic, a marketing support company that caters exclusively to pop-up shops, “a pop-up store, also referred to as ‘flash retail’, is a shop, a restaurant, a collection of shops, or an event that opens quickly in a temporary location, often occupying abandoned storefronts and vacant mall spaces and is intended to operate for a short period of time.”

The beginning of the 21st century saw the first pop-up stores emerge across the U.S. and in Europe. The last few years have witnessed a rash of pop-up stores as they are perceived to be inexpensive alternatives than year-round rentals that can generate a lot of retail buzz for brands when required. For example, they are often strategically placed during the holiday season for shoppers or put up just in time for the launch of a major product.

The latest versions of pop-up stores are accompanied with more elaborate displays, high-end signage, sophisticated POS systems, latest mobile commerce functionalities, and more interactive and engaging experiences that nurture useful customer-retailer conversations. Retailers who understand that consumers rush to and embrace the various kinds of pop-up spaces, have come to view pop-ups as a strategically innovative and legitimate channel of connecting with their customers.

Today, retail in-store customers can browse through comparative pricing data right from their mobile devices. Whether the consumers are walking into a retail store to buy a product after carefully researching about it online, also known as “webrooming”, or whether they are looking at products in the store with the intention of buying it online, also known as “showrooming”, shopping is evolving at a rapid pace.

Pop-ups are the perfect avenue for online stores to make flash appearances and provide a look and feel of their products to shoppers and if done properly, have them become intrigued enough to buy them online.  A brick-and-mortar retailer can set up a pop-up for showcasing or launching a new product with minimum inventory.

The line between the online and offline world is blurring at a swift pace and the retail industry needs to keep up with the evolving shopping habits of the consumers. Pop-up retail will prove to be a catalyst in this direction.

The impressive growth of pop-up retail can be seen in the fact that it was a zero dollar industry in 2003 but flourished into an 8 billion dollar industry in 2013. Pop-up continues to drive innovation and offer several key opportunities thus adding a new dimension to retail.