What is GST all about? (Infographic)

GST is going to effective from 1st July 2017 in India and retail businesses in the country and those planning to enter India will need to be GST ready. Here is a quick overview of GST.

etp gst blog


ETP Omni-channel Retail Solution with the GST pack handles not only the billing processes with GST impact, but also various other retail processes, making them GST ready.


Southeast Asian consumers’ reviews about e-Commerce: Infographic

E-commerce and online shopping have transformed the entire shopping experience. Today, consumers can go online and buy almost anything conveniently in just a few clicks, thanks to e-Commerce. Here are a few stats based on Southeast Asian consumer reviews about e-Commerce.

ETP Blog Southeast Asian Consumers e-Commerce Reviews Infographic

E-commerce companies need to be aware of customers’ pain-points and take necessary actions to make the shopping experience a pleasant one.

Retail Insights (Infographic)

The retailers that will move ahead of the pack in the coming year are those that can deliver a consistent, clear, clean, simplified, and seamless message across all channels.

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Retailers looking into the future can be sure that no matter what trends and technologies are coming, an omni-channel strategy that is propelled by data and streamlined by automation will lead the way. Keep an open mind about innovations in omni-channel technologies in the future.