
Promotion Execution


Seamlessly deploy promotions across various channels quickly

Promotions created in ETP Accelerator can be deployed across various channels quickly and seamlessly. This is due to the unique design of ETP Accelerator, which is a tool that can be used by merchandisers and the retail marketing team to visualize the promotions with a combination of dimensions like merchandise, time, location, channel and customer segments. At just a click of the button, the promotions get enabled immediately at all desired locations and channels. A set of business rules monitor the performance of the promotion and measure it against a set of goals, giving you a feedback of how your promotion is performing against your target. This drives the discipline in your business as well as delights customers with a unified brand experience that encourages loyalty.

ETP V5 Omni-channel Retail Solutions comprising omni-channel POS software, Mobility (mobile POS), CRM software, Marketing and Promotion Campaigns, Order Management & Supply Chain Management, Omni-channel Analytics and Omni-channel Connect provide you with features such as Click and Collect, Click and Deliver, Endless Aisle, a holistic view of the inventory, and a single view of the customer enabling you to deliver a unified brand-customer relationship across all channels. This is done using real-time integration of ETP’s POS solution, CRM solution and Promotions engine with webstores and marketplaces using ETP Connect’s secured web services framework, which has the ability to see and manage order flows.

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