We are delighted to introduce our newsletter, ETP Elevate, your source for insights, updates, and developments from ETP Group.
As part of our renewed commitment to bringing you the latest in retail technology, ETP Elevate promises to be packed with valuable content to keep you informed on industry trends and our innovative solutions.
Our goal is to help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving retail and e-Commerce landscape. In each issue, we will share thought leadership on unified commerce, customer experience, and how cutting-edge solutions like ETP Unify and Ordazzle are transforming businesses across the region.
I look forward to the years ahead with great enthusiasm as we assist our customers in transitioning to the new era of Cloud-Native, AI-powered, MACH Architecture systems, empowering them to grow and succeed with greater speed and agility.
Best regards,
Naresh Ahuja
Chairman & CEO
ETP Group