Best Days to Shop in 2019


Best Days to Shop in 2019


From Cyber Monday to Black Friday, shoppers all around the world have a plethora of “Big Discount Days” to choose from. Today we take a look at when the best day of the year is to go all out, without breaking the bank.

What’s on the list

  • Amazon Prime Day
  • Cyber Monday
  •  Black Friday
  • Boxing Day
  • New Year’s Eve 
  • Singles Day

However, it is Singles Day which is regarded as the largest shopping day in the world. Also known as Guanggun Jie, it was started in China and is popular among young Chinese people. 

Celebrated on the 11th of November, the date was chosen because the number “1” represents a singular person or someone alone. Although not celebrated as an official public holiday, Singles Day has become the single largest offline and online shopping day in the world. 

Alibaba recorded sales of over US $15 Billion in 2018 as per Wikipedia. 

Since its inception, the popularity of Singles Day has spread all across the world and is no longer restricted to China, particularly in South East Asia. In the UK however, Singles Day is celebrated on the 11th of March.  


So how does Singles Day compared to the other Big Discount Days of the world?

 A survey found that the average consumer planned to spend 2,361 yuan (£181) during Singles Day in 2018  while on Black Friday the average spend in 2017 was 699 yuan. 

The volume of sales forecasted by retailers on singles day is higher than any other day. Although singles day is primarily celebrated in China, it is gaining significant traction in the west as well. 

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