Are you boosting sales by enabling your customers to video shop?


Are you boosting sales by enabling your customers to video shop? -

The Covid situation and the resultant restrictions imposed by the governments on retail stores has put a tremendous pressure on retailers for how to generate sales, keep the cash registers ringing and to keep their brand names at the top of their customers’ minds. Brands are in an intense struggle to sell as the customer behaviour is changing daily affecting product demands, trends, and deliverability. Due to the acceleration in cases, there is a fear of going out shopping amongst the customers. This has given a hard time to the retailers in cross-selling and upselling to their customers and also, in getting new customers to buy their products.


This situation was an eye-opener for some retailers and showed them how important omni-channel retail solutions are for their business. Retailers who once had only physical stores are now making the transition to online by implementing multi-channel or omni-channel capabilities. This allows them to upsell their products by enabling promotions across multiple channels and also tracking the inventory real-time.


While the customers are buying their essentials through online channels, it is still difficult for retailers of luxury and lifestyle items such as fashion, furniture, jewelry, and health & beauty products, which often need customizations or where the customers need a closer look of the products before buying. This need has unlocked a new technique of selling these products via video calling. Retailers are even dedicating their customer touchpoints to book an online appointments. Brands are enabling this functionality by utilising the customer data from their omni-channel CRM to call and book an appointment with their sales representatives. The store staff will then help the customer to take a tour of the store and pick the products that they wish to purchase. The buying history from the CRM will enable the store staff to also point out related items that the customer would have looked for had they physically been at the store. 

Innovative Omni-channel Retail solutions such as the ETP Omni-channel CRM along with the promotions engine, ETP Accelerator will help you cross-sell and upsell to your customers based on their past and present data thus boosting your sales even in these tough times.

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