ETP Participates in IBM Business Solution Day 2007

ETP Participates in IBM Business Solution Day 2007

On 16 May 2007, ETP International and its business partner 4Bizinet Co. Ltd supported the IBM Solutions Day held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Bangkok. The full day event attracted more than 150 retailers in the Thai wholesale and retail industry. The event offered retail and wholesale insights in the morning session and split into two tracks in the afternoon – Cost Reduction and Revenue Growth. Ms Dipti Paranjape, Regional Solutions Architect of ETP International was invited as a speaker in the Revenue Growth track in which she shared on how technology can be leveraged to increase business revenues and improve operational efficiencies.
Delegates also had the opportunity to get a hands-on demonstration of the ETP V5.2 solution showcased at the ETP International and 4Bizinet booth.

ETP Participates in IBM Business Solution Day 20071

On 16 May 2007, ETP International and its business partner 4Bizinet Co. Ltd supported the IBM Solutions Day held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Bangkok. The full day event attracted more than 150 retailers in the Thai wholesale and retail industry. The event offered retail and wholesale insights in the morning session and split into two tracks in the afternoon – Cost Reduction and Revenue Growth. Ms Dipti Paranjape, Regional Solutions Architect of ETP International was invited as a speaker in the Revenue Growth track in which she shared on how technology can be leveraged to increase business revenues and improve operational efficiencies.
Delegates also had the opportunity to get a hands-on demonstration of the ETP V5.2 solution showcased at the ETP International and 4Bizinet booth.

International Retail Solutions Company ETP International Enters Partnership With PT Jati Piranti Solusindo in Indonesia!

International Retail Solutions Company ETP International Enters Partnership With PT Jati Piranti Solusindo in Indonesia!

13 June 2007, Indonesia (Immediate Release) – ETP International, an enterprise software company focused on developing and delivering its cutting-edge ETP V5.2 solution for the retail industry, today announces the signing of a Business Partnership agreement with PT Jati Piranti Solusindo, also known as Jatis. Jatis is one of the longest serving Asian technology consulting and service providers in the region. The company has helped clients to increase business values and returns-on-investments through its delivery of reliable yet relevant and groundbreaking solutions.
Under the terms of the agreement, Jatis will represent ETP in the sales and marketing of its suite of solutions – ETP V5.2 in Indonesia specifically for the retail and distribution industry. ETP V5.2 is a powerful world-class, next-generation retail software solution which enables retailers to take proactive decisions that make all the difference between success and failure. It covers POS, Warehousing, Distribution, Procurement, Merchandise Planning, CRM and Promotions Planning, Retail Analytics, Online Sales, Call centre Sales, Supply Chain Management, Business Strategy Development and Enterprise Integration. The components within ETP V5.2 can be used comprehensively or selectively to provide an end-to-end integrated solution for retailers and distributors. Leading retailers using ETP retail solutions include PT Trikomsel Multimedia, Titan Watches, ITC Wills, BMA International, Hot Spots, Orra, and more.
“Jatis has been in the information technology consulting and systems development services space within the region for 10 years now. Over the years, we have come across leading retailers that are increasingly dependent on information technology to improve their business operations and decision-making.” said Pak Jusuf Sjaruffudin, Group President and CEO of Jatis.

“The ETP V5.2 solution is a perfect fit for our product offerings to retailers. Its all encompassing modules ensures that retailers’ unique needs and requirements are taken care of. With a strong product like the ETP V5.x coupled with our strengths in consulting, services and strong knowledge of the Indonesia market, I am sure we will bring this partnership to great heights”
ETP’s Chairman, Naresh Ahuja stated, “We are delighted to have signed the partnership agreement with Jatis. The Indonesian retail industry is a key focus for us and we are pleased to have a strong partner like Jatis to forge ahead in the industry”
“Leading retailers such as PT Trikomsel Multimedia with more than 600 outlets are already running on ETP V5.2 smoothly and seamlessly, we are confident that we can only grow from strength to strength together with Jatis in this market.”

About ETP International Pte Ltd
ETP International is an enterprise software company focused on enabling retailers to run their business proactively using the cutting-edge ETP V5 Retail Solution. Founded in 1988 ETP has its International HQ in Singapore, R&D centre in Mumbai and a network of partners in over 12 countries, selling, implementing and supporting ETP solutions. ETP’s three digit growth is driven by the wide acceptance of its flagship product ETP V5 by leading retailers.
ETP V5 is a 4th generation solution designed to help retailers move from a push based business model to a push-pull based business model, making them more proactive in planning, execution, analysis and decision making. It is seamlessly integrated through POS, CRM, Online Sales, Call Centre Sales, Merchandise Planning, Promotions Planning, Procurement, Distribution, Warehousing and Analytics. Developed with reliability, scalability and globalisation in mind, ETP V5 is capable of handling multiple languages, time zones, currencies, taxes, company and group structures, 20 users to 1000’s of users, various hardware platforms and operating systems and can be implemented comprehensively or modularly.
ETP – Proactive Retail Solutions.

About PT Jati Piranti Solusindo
PT Jati Piranti Solusindo, also known as Jatis, was established by four founders in 1997, who together with a handful of staff, set out to capitalize on the fast growing IT services market in Indonesia and the surrounding region. Named after the Jati (for teak) tree indigenous to Asia, and one well known for its strength, hardiness, and longevity, the Company has lived up to its namesake to become one of the longest serving Asian technology consulting and service providers in the region.
Through its offices in Jakarta, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Jatis delivers a broad spectrum of information technology consulting, systems development and outsourcing services to clients in the government, telecommunications, financial services, manufacturing, distribution and retail industries. Its clients, comprising a mixture of local and multi-national enterprises, are served by over 400 staff with various industry domain and technology expertise, all schooled in Jatis methodology to achieve the same high standards of delivery quality.
Over the years, Jatis has built the reputation of being an innovative company, able to deliver reliable and groundbreaking solutions that increase the clients business value and returns-on-investment.

Retail NEXT Malaysia Conference With More Than 70 Retailers Ends On High Note

Retail NEXT Malaysia Conference With More Than 70 Retailers Ends On High Note

Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday (24 July, 2007) – ETP International Pte Ltd (ETP), an international retail solutions company, together with its business partner, Cuscapi Berhad, the leading business management solutions provider in Malaysia, jointly organised Retail NEXT, a knowledge sharing and market trends conference at the JW Marriott, Kuala Lumpur on 18 July, 2007.
Partnering with ETP, an international software developer that focuses on the Retail Enterprise Software market in Asia Pacific, India and the Middle East, the first Retail NEXT conference in Malaysia showcased a series of presentations and expert opinions from top retailers and thought leaders from all over Asia Pacific on achieving business objectives and increasing brand value through proactive retailing.

Mr Naresh Ahuja, Chairman and Managing Director of ETP International, started the conference with a welcome address. He highlighted ETP’s role in proactively creating a platform for retail

Retail NEXT Malaysia Conference With More Than 70 Retailers Ends On High Note1

industry practitioners and analysts to exchange ideas and share expert knowledge. Mr Danny Leong, CEO of Cuscapi shared his view of the changing times in the retail industry
As a platform of knowledge exchange, the event was attended by renowned retailers from the region. Among the guest speakers for the event were Dato Dr. Chin See Keat, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director of England Optical Group; Mr Phanthep Chatnarat, Chief Executive Officer of C-Mobile; Mr Tan Hai Hsin, Managing Director of Retail Group Malaysia and Henry Butcher Retail; Mr Sandeep Kulhalli, Business Head of Retailing Services Group – Titan Industries Ltd in India; and Mr Krishnamoorthy Vishwanath, General Manager – Jay Gee Enterprises Pte Ltd.
The conference agenda covered a broad spectrum of trends and issues facing the retail industry. With over 70 delegates from leading retail companies in the region, topics such as managing retail branding, leveraging technology to increase business value in the retail industry and customer engagement were deliberated.
The panel discussion which comprise of all the speakers started out with a lively discussion on the change in customers expectations. Delegates participated actively by raising questions on various concerns and even sharing their own experience with their peers.
Mr. Naresh Ahuja, Chairman of ETP International commented: “The first Retail NEXT was held in Bangkok which was extremely well-received by the local leading retailers. This gave us the idea of bringing the same format to other countries. With the success of the Retail NEXT conference in Malaysia, we hope to continue to provide this opportunity for retailers in Malaysia to share knowledge and to take the Malaysian retail industry to the next level. The quality of the speakers and the topics that were presented were relevant and appreciated by the attendees. As such, we hope to make this into an annual event in Malaysia.”
“This is a great opportunity for retailers to come together to share their experiences and successes with the objective of improving the retail industry here in Malaysia. Since starting this partnership with ETP in January 2007, we have seen tremendous interest from Malaysian retailers in how ETP V5 can improve their business. We believe that moving forward, Cuscapi, alongside ETP, will be able to contribute significantly to the Malaysian retail industry” said Mr. Danny Leong, Chief Executive Officer of Cuscapi Berhad.
The conference closed with a gift presentation ceremony by Mr Ahuja and Mr Leong to all the speakers. Each delegate left the conference with the knowledge takeaways as well as an attractive door gift and conference proceedings from ETP International and Cuscapi Bhd.

Retail NEXT Malaysia Conference With More Than 70 Retailers Ends On High Note2

About ETP International Pte Ltd
ETP International is an enterprise software company focused on enabling retailers to run their business proactively using the cutting-edge ETP V5 Retail Solution. Founded in 1988 ETP has its International HQ in Singapore, R&D centre in Mumbai and a network of partners in over 20 countries, selling, implementing and supporting ETP solutions. ETP’s three digit growth is driven by the wide acceptance of its flagship product ETP V5 by leading retailers.
ETP V5 is a 4th generation solution designed to help retailers move from a push based business model to a push-pull based business model, making them more proactive in planning, execution, analysis and decision making. It is seamlessly integrated through POS, CRM, Online Sales, Call Centre Sales, Merchandise Planning, Promotions Planning, Procurement, Distribution, Warehousing and Analytics. Developed with reliability, scalability and globalisation in mind, ETP V5 is capable of handling multiple languages, time zones, currencies, taxes, company and group structures, 20 users to 1000’s of users, various hardware platforms and operating systems and can be implemented comprehensively or modularly.
ETP – Proactive Retail Solutions.

About Cuscapi Berhad
Established in 1978, we have grown to become a trusted and innovative industry specialist. Today, we have a stronger engine of exponential growth and sustainable performance. Now, we are ready, as Cuscapi, to take on the new challenges ahead of us.
Our strong presence in over 20 countries in the Asia Pacific region and the US has given us the leverage to serve the diverse needs of clients across borders. As your business grows and expands into these markets, we will be there for you every step of the way.
At Cuscapi, our organisation is built on three strong beliefs to empower your organisation to harness the true potential of your customers for success.
We know that customers can be the most important asset for any enterprise. However, while most businesses may recognise the importance of customers, they have yet to tap into this undermined pool of resources. We know that customers can be transformed into an invaluable source of capital for your organisation. This is what we call customer capital. It is this belief that drives us to place your customers at the heart of all we do.
We also believe in creating new value for all our clients. Beyond helping you enhance operational efficiencies, we always offer fresh insights and perspectives on your customers to create new revenue growth possibilities.
In tandem with our belief to focus on delivery excellence, we strive to become more than a solutions provider to you. We want to be your strategic partner and offer you world-class solutions and services. At Cuscapi, we look forward to continuously enabling you through customer knowledge to maximise your customer capital. Share our beliefs and together we can take your organisation to greater heights by bringing you closer to your customers.

Retail NEXT Indonesia Attracts More Than 60 Leading Retailers (2007)

ETP International and its Indonesian business partner, PT Jatis Solutions held their first Retail NEXT in Indonesia on 31 October 2007 at the Shangri-La Hotel. The half-day retail conference was a success, attracting more than 60 of the industry’s senior management.

Retail NEXT Indonesia Attracts More Than 60 Leading Retailers (2007)

The conference had a stellar speaker lineup including Mr. Sugiono Wiyono, President Director of PT Trikomsel Multimedia, Mr. Vijay Jain, CEO of ORRA, Mr. Prabir Sengupta, Vice President – Finance & IT of ITC Lifestyle Retailing Business Division and Mr. Rajkumar Jagasia, Executive Director of ETP International.
Mr. Sugiono shared with the audience his experience in managing the fast growth of lifestyle retail and the cornerstones to PT Trikomsel Multimedia’s success.
Mr. Rajkumar Jagasia of ETP presented on how retailers can leverage on technology to build a proactive organization. Case studies of ETP customers were shared with the audience, on how they had fully capitalized on the use of technology and business information to build a proactive retail organization.

Retail NEXT Indonesia Attracts More Than 60 Leading Retailers (2007)1

The conference resumed after a short break with Mr. Vijay Jain presenting on how ORRA as a diamond jewellery company branded itself successfully in the competitive Indian market and the strategies it adopted to differentiate itself from the competitors. The audience were also bowled over by the quality and advanced branding techniques used from two video clips that were shown during his presentation.
The final session by Mr. Prabir Sengupta was equally exciting, giving audience a detailed analysis of how ITC had succeeded in the use of technology in achieving competitive advantages from manufacturing right through to customer relationship management.

Retail NEXT Indonesia Attracts More Than 60 Leading Retailers (2007)2The half-day conference culminated in a luncheon hosted by ETP International and PT Jatis Solutions. Delegates were treated to a sumptuous spread of international cuisine and the opportunity to network among themselves and the speakers.

Retail NEXT Indonesia Attracts More Than 60 Leading Retailers (2007)3

“We are pleased with the turnout for the event. The caliber of the speakers was excellent as usual. Their presentations were informative and well-received by the audience. Many members of the audience complimented the speakers and said “We have come away learning a great deal about the innovative initiatives different leading retailers are taking to be successful”. “Thought provoking” said many.” commented Mr. Naresh Ahuja, Managing Director, ETP International.
On average, 95% of the audience rated the conference from Good to Excellent and affirmed that they would like to attend another Retail NEXT conference in future.

About ETP International Pte Ltd
ETP International is an enterprise software company focused on enabling retailers to run their business proactively using the cutting-edge ETP V5 Retail Solution. Founded in 1988 ETP has its International HQ in Singapore, R&D centre in Mumbai and a network of partners in over 20 countries, selling, implementing and supporting ETP solutions. ETP’s three digit growth is driven by the wide acceptance of its flagship product ETP V5 by leading retailers.
ETP V5 is a 4th generation solution designed to help retailers move from a push based business model to a push-pull based business model, making them more proactive in planning, execution, analysis and decision making. It is seamlessly integrated through POS, CRM, Online Sales, Call Centre Sales, Merchandise Planning, Promotions Planning, Procurement, Distribution, Warehousing and Analytics. Developed with reliability, scalability and globalisation in mind, ETP V5 is capable of handling multiple languages, time zones, currencies, taxes, company and group structures, 20 users to 1000’s of users, various hardware platforms and operating systems and can be implemented comprehensively or modularly.

Retail NEXT UAE Draws More Than 70 Regional Retailers

ETP International and its UAE business partner, Barcode Gulf held their first Retail NEXT in Dubai on 28 November 2007 at the Dusit Dubai hotel. The conference drew more than 70 retailers within the GCC region for the half day session.

Retail NEXT UAE Draws More Than 70 Regional Retailers

Speakers presenting at the conference include Mr Arif Shaikh, Business Director of BMA International, Ms Ermin Sevil, Head of Retail Business for Nielsen, Mr Ram Mohan Nair, IT Director of MAF Fashion (Majid Al Futtaim) and Mr Rajkumar Jagasia, Executive Director of ETP International.
Mr. Arik Shaikh portrayed the changes brought by the passage of time in the Middle East, depicting the evolution of retail in the UAE. He also shared with the audience BMA’s business strategy of staying competitive and relevant in the changing retail environment. He explained how BMA has evolved from an owner-run retail company to a professionally run one, as well as a traditional retail business to the modern retail format. He unveiled their new strategy for growth through the launch of the “Red Tag” stores.
Mr. Rajkumar Jagasia of ETP captivated the audience’s attention with his presentation on how retailers can leverage on technology to build a proactive retail organization. Case studies of ETP customers were shared with the audience, on how they had fully capitalized on the use of technology and business information to build a proactive retail organization. He highlighted the business and process efficiencies that can be better managed with the right tools.

Retail NEXT UAE Draws More Than 70 Regional Retailers1

The third speaker Ms. Ermin Sevil shared with the audience the changes in global trends and how they will impact the Middle East. Statistics and trend analysis were shown to the audience on the growing sectors and markets.

The final session by Mr. Ram Mohan Nair gave a fascinating account from a franchisor perspective of the many challenges a franchisor organization faces in its business processes and information management systems. He described the best practices and the wish list for a singular comprehensive retail solution that will enable retailers to manage the needs of the day as well as prepare for the changes the future holds.

Retail NEXT UAE Draws More Than 70 Regional Retailers2

A networking luncheon was organised after the half-day conference in which delegates had the opportunity to mingle and speak in private with the speakers.

Retail NEXT UAE Draws More Than 70 Regional Retailers3

“The turnout for the event has been very encouraging. It exceeded our expectations. The quality of the speakers and their presentations were great and the audience had much to digest after these sessions. The success of the Retail NEXT series has given us great confidence in the reception to the programme and we are keen to bring this to as many countries as possible. The retailers can only gain from this.” commented Mr. Naresh Ahuja, Managing Director, ETP International.
Plans are already underway to bring Retail NEXT to India in the next couple of months.

About ETP International Pte Ltd
ETP International is an enterprise software company focused on enabling retailers to run their business proactively using the cutting-edge ETP V5 Retail Solution. Founded in 1988 ETP has its International HQ in Singapore, R&D centre in Mumbai and a network of partners in over 20 countries, selling, implementing and supporting ETP solutions. ETP’s three digit growth is driven by the wide acceptance of its flagship product ETP V5 by leading retailers.
ETP V5 is a 4th generation solution designed to help retailers move from a push based business model to a push-pull based business model, making them more proactive in planning, execution, analysis and decision making. It is seamlessly integrated through POS, CRM, Online Sales, Call Centre Sales, Merchandise Planning, Promotions Planning, Procurement, Distribution, Warehousing and Analytics. Developed with reliability, scalability and globalisation in mind, ETP V5 is capable of handling multiple languages, time zones, currencies, taxes, company and group structures, 20 users to 1000’s of users, various hardware platforms and operating systems and can be implemented comprehensively or modularly.