Unified Commerce
Retail Platform

Unified Commerce​ Retail Platform

Unifying online and offline retail onto one cloud platform which is asset light and low on IT administrative costs.


e-Commerce Management Solutions

An automated cloud-native platform to effortlessly manage and scale your multi-channel e-commerce business in one place.


Omni-channel Retail Software

Enterprise class , scalable and secure platform for large to mid-scale retailers that boosts traffic to stores, fulfilment rates and customer loyalty.


More than 500 brands
in 24 countries,
across 10 times-zones,
in 200+ cities,
run on ETP


Every year over 100,000 retail associates use ETP Systems to serve 200,000,000 consumers, selling USD 18,000,000,000 of

ETP Unify -- a powerful cloud-native Unified Commerce Retail Solution

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Built using M.A.C.H. architecture, it brings the best of retail and e-commerce functionalities to the user in one, easy-to-use, and beautiful interface. With all information stored in onedatabase, it empowers retail merchants and managers to have all the information and tools at their fingertips to serve customers across channels, helping create an amazing experience for consumers.

Ordazzle -- redefinding the ecommerce experience

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Streamline workflows. Eliminate errors. Improve visiblity. Scale your e-commerce operations and grow your online retail business like never before.

ETP V5 -- Omni-Channel POS Solution

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The ETP omni-channel retail POS software ensures improved brand visibility, sustained engagement, easy access to products and cross/up-selling promotions to increase the revenue per customer steadily. The ETP Omni-channel POS solution also does quick and detailed billing, cash management, reports, gift vochers, audit trails and can run in online as well as in offline mode. The CRM solution through the POS software helps the store staff to quickly lookup customers and add or update details bolstering the central CRM database further.


ETP is an Omni-channel Retail Software company serving market leaders in 24 countries across the Asia Pacific, India and the Middle East regions. ETP’s solutions include Omni-channel orchestration, POS, Mobility, CRM, Marketing Campaigns, Promotion Management, Order Management, Supply Chain Management and Analytics. ETP has successfully executed over 500 enterprise software projects across 35,000+ stores for 300+ brands. ETP’s unique value proposition is its ability to consistently deliver enterprise grade Omni-channel solutions to its customers and build long term strategic partnerships spanning decades.


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